Chapter 13

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Perrie's arms and legs were tangled with mine, and her face in the crook of my neck. I smiled to myself. This was a dream come true...

I tried to untangle myself but to no avail. She simply hugged me even tighter. I sighed. No, I wasn't annoyed. I just wanted to surprise her with breakfast in bed, and now she isn't letting me out of her grip.

Then, I heard a knock on the door. And before I allowed whoever who knocked to enter, Jesy had already barged in with Leigh.

"Leigh?!" I exclaimed.

"Yes?" She asked, almost innocently.

"Someone told me you were drunk last night?" I smiled slyly.

"Maybe," she shrugged.

"Hello, Jade!" Jesy said loudly, turning my attention to her.

"Hi, Jesy, what's that?" I asked, nodding to the tray in her hand, although I already knew.

"Food. It's three in the afternoon and I fear you might be too weak to make your own..." Jesy paused, "your own dinner-lunch," She smirked.

"I would eat it, but I'm kind of being captured by Perrie," i gestured to the blonde next to me.

"Yeh...." She nods, then puts the tray down before coming over.

Leigh is standing chuckling while Jesy shifts Perrie's limbs away so I can wriggle out.

"Thanks," I grin.

"Just don't make me do it again..." Jesy fake-pants.

"She's heavy."

"And you aren't?" I giggle before rushing off to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

It was almost four o'clock when Perrie woke up, and panicking when looking at the time.

"OMG! I'm never going to get there on time!" She shrieked and immediately slammed the bathroom door shut after her, doing who knows what. I was going through what scenarios could Perrie be going to go to when one popped up.

A date with Alex.

My heart thumped in my chest and I couldn't help but feel jealous.

But maybe she's going to go break up with him?

One small voice in my head said and I nodded to myself. Yes, she had to be going to break up with him.

Sighing, I opened a book and started reading, trying to keep my mind off things.

"Bye, Jade!" Perrie called as she dashed into the living room, planting a short kiss on my cheek.

"Bye, Perrie," I replied, softly. I don't think she heard me as she turned away at the same time, rushing out the house.

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