The Demon I listen

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(Not in chapters again all the "The Demon I____" series there are no chapters if you want the chapters please email me at and I'll get the stories with Chapters out to you as soon as I can)

"I guess you need to know that I am a prince...the heir to all of the demon realm but then our fate seeker told my father that I as to fall in love with a human girl as was the fate I had since birth in other words you. And bcause of that I was sent to the fate seekers to train in the ways of acting and looking human along with many others. Then after the one we are fated to be with turns sixteen we are sent to where she lives to get her to fall in love with us and be able to marry us. Basically I've never had control over my own life." Ishinu said "So then...what does that man you killed have anything to do with me?" I asked.

"That man was known as a taker. A Demon who only wants the human girl for her soul. Once he as the soul he kills the girl and moves on. They are Demons who will try to take you from me and take your soul. You must never froget that I love you and will always protect you. No matter what." I nodded and he grunted and said. "For now...I should rest...I'll be fine by morning." "Do you want me to help you to the guest bedroom?" I asked. "Yeah...that's probably the better idea than your room...your father will get pretty mad at me if he found me in there..." Ishinu said with a slight chuckle.

I helped him to the guest bed and as I was about to leave he grabbed my hand. "If it's not too much trouble Ammy...please stay with me...until I fall alseep." He said. "Of course." I said. I sat on the side of the bed next to him and held my hand on his head gently until he was asleep and I kissed his forehead tenderly ad whispered. "Good night my love...sleep well until morning and then...we'll see about getting you known around town.." I went to my room and Immediately fell alseep.


When I woke up in the morning I felt a hand touching mine and I opened my eye to see Ishinu there. He put his finger to his lips and said. "You need more rest than I did...sleep a while longer..." His voice was so smooth and so calming and finally I found myself drifting off into seep yet again.

Once I woke up again I loked around and saw Ishinu just coming in and he smiled as I sat up. "Are you feeling alright?" I asked. He nodded and said. "Only a few scratches and a bruse or two. I'll be alright.but you need to stay resting. I already told your father that yu went through a lot last night and it wasn't a lie." I was just noticing my arm was wrapped in bandages and I looked at Ishinu as if to say, "What happened?"

He sighed and said, "You were attacked last night. You don't remember it because you were asleep but I heard someone break into the house ad go into your room. I rushed in immediately to be sure you were safe and fought off another taker. He was a bit weaker than the last so it wasn't so hard on me. But the important thing s your alright. Yu shouls rest a bit until tomorrow...then you can show me around town." I was as if h read my mind or perhaps he just heard me whisper it to him the night before? Whatever it was I knew he was alright at least and that made me happy.

TO BE CONTINUED IN, "The Demon I keep secret"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2012 ⏰

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