The Dark Alley Punch-Up

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Individual Summary: June 2017. Everyone's just enjoyed a fabulous meal at a restaurant in Chiswick, and Stephen was on his way back to his car when he heard a familiar groan from down a dark side-alley. What he finds - and the reasons for their being there - both shocks and saddens him.....


It wasn't uncommon for them to go out for a meal together during their off-time: in fact, the boys had made more of an effort to include Stephen in recent months since he had joined the Takeaway gang. Not that they hadn't been friendly enough before, but since he had come on board, the younger presenter definitely felt that it had made them closer.

And especially now in the wake of the news that had - by now - been shared around and was all over the city (and probably the country, Stephen supposed bitterly). 

He and Dec, along with Scarlett and Chris, had all gone out to dinner at a local restaurant on the outskirts of Chiswick, in order to escape the hounding from the press. Thankfully, they had succeeded, and the four of them had thoroughly enjoyed a delightful meal with drinks on the house (which had instantly pleased Chris, much to everyone's amusement).

At around nine thirty, Dec had left the table - claiming that he should be getting back home. Scarlett had given him a big hug, and then the shorter man had left with a cheery wave over his shoulder.

The restaurant was within walking distance from Dec's house, and he'd decided to take advantage of the wonderful summer breeze and had walked the four blocks there. He'd hesitated upon leaving the restaurant, wondering if he should do the same to get home. The street was well-lit, and it wasn't far, so in the end he'd shrugged casually and began the walk home - mind wandering as his footsteps echoed in the quiet street.

He never saw the hand that grabbed onto his sleeve and pulled him into a darkened side alley until it was too late.....

Meanwhile, back in the restaurant, Chris had left as well, leaving Stephen and Scarlett sitting at the table. They'd enjoyed a lengthy chat for about fifteen minutes before a waiter came over and told them that they were closing shortly and could they please vacate.

Happily paying their bill, Stephen waved goodbye to Scarlett as she got into a taxi and drove off towards her home, and Stephen began to walk down the street to where he'd parked his car.

However, just as he was about to pull his keys out of his pocket to unlock said car, a familiar noise made his ears prick and the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.

An unusually chilly breeze ruffled his hair, and Stephen had to hide a shiver as he glanced around the street, looking for the source of the noise. He was ninety percent sure of what had caused it, but he almost didn't believe it - after all, the owner of the voice should have been home ages ago.

Another noise made him spin around and he found himself facing a dark alley that was almost hidden behind a brick wall that jutted out from the building next to it. Walking cautiously forwards, Stephen pulled out his phone and turned on the light, shining it into the shadows.

He gasped as he caught sight of a frighteningly familiar form lying crumpled on the ground, groaning and coughing wetly onto the pavement. The sound of something slick falling onto the concrete froze Stephen's heart in his chest, and it leapt into his throat when the figure weakly raised their head to look at him.

"Shit!" Stephen hissed when he recognised them properly, although with the amount of blood on their face it took a few moments for the familiar features to register in his mind. 

Walking over as quickly as he could, he crouched down beside the figure and put a cautious hand on their shoulder - not missing how they hissed sharply as he made contact.

The Little Brotherजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें