The Ugliest Brawl

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Individual Summary: Talent shows - like Britain's Got Talent - are notorious for having their fair share of angry and violent contestants. However, unlike the other shows, BGT has yet to have a contestant that has actually lashed out properly. When one finally snaps, and the boys get in the way, things are looking pretty nasty and bloody when Stephen comes to the rescue.......  


Compared to other talent shows on the air at the moment, Britain's Got Talent had a relatively calm reputation for the attitude of its contestants. There were very few reported incidents of overly angry participants over the years, and those of violent contestants were even less.

One year though, that was about to change - and in one of the most painful ways possible.

There was a younger contestant - a twenty five year old man - who had gone on stage as normal, having had his chat with both Stephen as well as Ant and Dec, and he'd seemed amicable enough, even pleasant. 

However, when he got four buzzers almost immediately, he started mouthing off at the judges and the audience (who quickly responded by booing and shouting their beloved chorus of "Off off off!"). When it became clear that things weren't going to go his way, he started shouting and swearing at them, before he shot the judges a savage bird as he stormed off the stage.

As the first people to intercept all of the contestants, both Ant and Dec had privately feared that one of these days a contestant might actually become violent and lash out, and that they - as the first people they saw - could potentially get in the way.

When they looked back on it later though, they could never have expected that a simple ask of "What happened out there?" could set this man off.

As soon as the question had left Ant's lips, the young man had lunged at the pair, fists already starting to fly as enraged yells burst from his throat.

Immediately, a number of producers - as well as Dec - tried to move in and pull him off, but the man lashed out and kicked one of the camera operators in the stomach, before he grabbed onto the two Geordies and shoved them towards the stage. The other producers and camera operators could do little more than stand back and watch - torn between helping the boys out and the risk of getting hurt themselves.

Meanwhile, the brawl spilled out properly onto the stage, and suddenly the only other noise - other than the horrible sounds of fists hitting muscle and skin - were the shocked gasps of the audience and the judges. Everyone was frozen in place, the shock and horror of what was occurring right in front of them preventing anyone from moving, stopped them from going up to help.

All except for one.

Hearing the commotion, Stephen glanced up from his phone and he felt his stomach drop at the sight of the last contestant engaged in a fist-fight.

Fury boiling in his gut, Stephen pushed past one of the producers and strode out onto the stage, followed closely by a few security guards.

"OI!" he yelled, silencing the whole theatre at the sound of his enraged voice.

The fight stopped rather abruptly at their approach, and the security guards took advantage of the distraction to grab the contestant and pull them away from the boys - who lay panting harshly on the floor, sounding horribly winded.

Once the man had been taken away, Stephen knelt down next to his friends, a worried frown on his face.

"You guys alright?" he asked cautiously, before he was greeted by the full sight of their injuries.

Ant's jaw was hanging open, although it looked like it was locked in place, or being held in place by a vice. It was set on an unnatural angle, and Stephen was sure he could see the pointed end of a bone poking out of its normal socket just in front of his left ear. He was also gasping for breath, although each breath he took prompted a pained wince to cross over his expression.

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