The Favour Is Returned

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Individual Summary: Stephen's had four opportunities to look after the boys in different situations. Now it's their turn to return the favour.......


The room was dark. So dark that even the word 'dark' didn't even do it justice. Yet somehow, his whole body was in light, as if it was glowing. He shouldn't be able to see in this darkness, yet when he lifted his hand up in front of his face, it appeared to him as clear as day.

It was confusing, to say the least. 

Of greater importance to him at the moment was finding out where the hell he was. He'd never seen this place before, or even heard it described to him - so how on Earth did he end up here?

Then a sound started to prickle at his ears: the sound of crackling flames. There was a fire somewhere.

Oh God, he could feel it crawling up his legs, the flames licking his chest, their heat scorching and burning him.

He couldn't help it, he let out a scream, a cry for help that would never come - he knew that much.

Sh, easy Stevey, you're okay mate.......

What was that? That voice: it was familiar, but he couldn't place it. But they sounded kind, gentle, and he couldn't help but trust them.

The fire was covering his whole body now, and he felt like anything he touched would turn to embers - his body was absolutely boiling. It hurt too; every move he made forced a whimper out of his throat.

It's okay, it's alright. We're gonna look after you. You're okay.......

Now there were hands touching him, and they felt so blessedly cool after the fire, but he couldn't help but cry out as they made contact, squirming away weakly - he was afraid that he would hurt them if they touched his burning skin.

Should we call an ambulance?.......

Nah.....he's just got a really high fever......he'll be fine......

More voices spun around his head, just out of earshot, and he couldn't quite recognise them. More and more voices quickly joined in, and they made his head hurt even worse. The room had begun to swim and blur before his eyes and he felt himself drifting away once more.


I hope this works......

Steve? Can you hear us?........

The voices were back, and they sounded achingly close to his pounding skull. He groaned in response, turning away from them.

Hey, it's okay. We're just gonna put these towels on ye - got to try and bring your fever down, okay?

Only half of what the voice said registered in his groggy mind, but their intentions became clear when he felt something freezing cold on his body.

Letting loose a wild scream, he could feel his body start to buck and toss, trying to throw the cold feeling away - it was painful and unpleasant, he didn't like it.

It's okay, easy pal! Take it easy, we've gotta leave them on.......

I told you this was a bad idea!

You got any better ones? Cause if you do, feel free!

Boys, calm down, or I'll send you both outside......

That hadn't made any sense, but another somewhat familiar voice had joined the others now; sounding aloof, but also worried.

Simon's right - we need to just stick with it......

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