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"Why are you leaving?" Tim asked as he walked in after the show.

"Well aren't you a possessive boyfriend?" Mathias answered as he mopped the floor of his own blood.

"What?" Tim glared for a second, as he sat down, "That doesn't answer my question."

"Well that doesn't answer mine." He shot back.

"We're not dating. Now back to mine." Tim said dramatically leaning forward and placing his head on top of his hands, "Why are you leaving?"

Mathias rolled his eyes in response, "I'm a public sideshow attraction kid. And I got a better offer than what this place pays me."

"You know I'll find you."

Damn. He sounded creepy.

But it didn't seem to bother Mathias so it was fine.

"I don't doubt it." He wrung out the mop, "Are you here to help out or just watch?"

Tim looked away, "Just watch."

"Then you should have paid to see the show."

"Speaking of which. I checked the mist maker. Twice. Did you think you could fool me or something?"

"Fucking hell kid." Mathias placed the mop in the bucket before kicking it to the side, "Give up already. I was fine with you showing up all the time, more money for me. But now you're borderline stalker."

"It's a public attraction. It's not like I'm following you home."

"Yeah? And when's that one gonna start?"

Tim really hated other people being right.

"Well you could just tell me how it's done, I mean, I would've stopped about four shows ago."

"Dear lord I hate you."

"I can live with that."

"I did answer your question the first time you asked. It's an illusion."

"And that's a lie."

"Take a break kid."

"You can call me Tim. It won't kill you."

"You remind me of a kid I used to know." His voice sounded hollow. Empty. Sad.

It sounded as if the memory itself was hurting him.

It looked like it too.

"Used to?"

"Yeah, he's... Not around anymore." He smiled a little, "You might have heard of him."

"He's famous or something?"

"You can call it that."

"Who was he?"

"Well now, that's a story for another show."

"You don't tell stories at your show."

"I might start. You never know."

"Yeah right. You opening up? Like that'll happen in a million years."

"That a challenge? Cause I can wait that long."

"Care to explain how?"


"You know what?"

"What now?"

"I hate you too."

"Then leave."

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