I don't want some stupid baby

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The beginning-
Well I was born at the UCLA medical centre on December the 6th 2018 at 4.43am I'm 16, I was born two weeks late I was due on November 22nd. My parents are Logan and Lia Paul you probably know my mom as Lia Marie Johnson, they met when they were filming a movie called 'The Thinning' and when they filmed the second thinning aka 'The Thinning; New World Order' in November 2017 that's when they started dating and then in late April 2018 my mom found out that she was pregnant with me.

I have a Younger sister Layla she's only 11 months younger than me we're really close she's my best friend we'll actually my best friend is called Rosie but Layla is my other best friend most people don't expect us to get on because we're siblings but we do.

Rosie Collins, she is my best friend we've been friends since we're in preschool. She lives two houses away from me even though we spend most of our time together so whenever we're not at my house then we're at hers. We tell each other everything and that's why we're best friends.

Liam Ryder is my boyfriend we been dating for 15 months and I hope that we're together for the rest of our lives he's the first boy I've ever truly loved.

Today (January 16th, 2035);

I sit on the bathroom floor Crying what am I suppose to do I ask Rosie as I pass her the positive pregnancy test.

R- I don't know but you need to tell Liam.
L- I know but my mom and dad will kill me.
R- It'll be okay, I know that your mom will be
Supportive of you, you're dad might take a bit more convincing but your mom will be able to to do that.
L- You actually think that my mom will be supportive?
R- I do.
L- I don't know what to do.
R- Well you need to tell your mom at least, she'll know what to do.

Rosie goes home and I message my mom and ask her to come home.

Half an hour later my mom comes home-

Lola- Hey mom can we talk?
Lia- Sure honey what is it?
Lola- Can you promise not to get mad?
Lia- Sure...
Lola- I'm pregnant
Lia- What?!?
Lola- I took a pregnancy test earlier.
Lia- Oh god sweetie.
Lola- What am I supposed to do mom?
Lia- Well have to spoke to Liam?
Lola- Not yet.
Lia- Well speak to him and decide what you want to do, just so you know I'll help you with everything and I'll talk to your dad.
Lola- Okay and thank you I love you mom I'll be home soon.

I message Liam and ask him to meet me, We meet at Starbucks we get our coffees and then we take a walk.

Lola- Liam I need to tell you something.
Liam- What is it, babe?
Lola- I don't know how to tell you this because I don't know how you'll react.
Liam- What is it?
Lola- I'm pregnant.
Liam- No no no this can be happening.
Lola- I'm sorry Liam.
Liam- Are you going to keep it.
Lola- I don't know.
Liam- Well you're parents can afford an abortion, so you should get one.
Lola- Are you being serious right now, you're not even going to think about this. I mean this is our baby that we're talking about, he or she is part of us and you just want to kill them without even talking about other options first.
Liam- Well I don't want my life to be ruined just because of someone stupid baby.
Lola- You know what Liam, you can go fuck yourself. Call me when you grow up and want to talk about this.

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