I like Lydia and Lucas

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I fall asleep on Layla's bed waiting for dad to come home, he finally comes home two and a half hours later. I run downstairs, Layla running after me. I ask dad what he said to Liam.

Logan- Well first I said how dare you to tell my daughter to get an abortion, so what if Lia and I can afford an abortion you don't ever tell a vulnerable, pregnant sixteen-year-old girl that. This as much your fault as it is hers. You really don't know what you've lost. You could have kept a stunning girlfriend and ended up have a stunning son or daughter but you had to fuck that up. I actually thought that you were a decent young man but I guess not.
Lola- Then?
Logan- Then I said if he even suggests that to you again then I swear I will kill him.
Lola- Dad, why?
Logan- No one speaks to my daughter like that and gets away with it. I know that uncle Jakey will agree and so will grandpa.
Lola- Now he's never going to speak to me again.
Logan- You don't need someone like him bringing negativity into your life.
Lola- But he's my baby's father and not I'm gonna have a child forever wishing their dad was in their life.
Logan- They'll have all the family they need they don't need him and neither do you.
Lola- I can't believe you've just made it worse.

I storm off to my room.

I lay on my bed just thinking about everything that's going to happen in the next few months, I'm going to get fat, then I'm going to have to push a baby out of me, then all the feeding, nappy changes I don't think I'm ready for this but I guess I'll have to be. Just thinking about it makes me want to cry, I know it'll be worth it because I'll have a beautiful baby but it's gonna be so hard.

I cry myself to sleep.

The next morning, I wake up at 6.37 am I'm not a morning person so I don't understand why I'm awake so early. I walk downstairs to get a glass of orange juice then walk back upstairs quietly without waking anyone up.

I try to go back to sleep, but couldn't so I get a quick shower get changed and go over to Rosie's house knowing that her mom and dad will be at work.

I go underneath the welcome mat to get the spare key and I let myself in the house go up to Rosie's bedroom I knock on her door knowing that she'd be in there.

R- Hello? who is it?
L- Lola.
R- Come in.
L- Hey bitch.
R- Hey why you up so early?
L- I don't know, to be honest, I just woke up and then I couldn't get back to sleep.
R- Oh how did you're dad take everything?
L- Not half as bad as I expected but he was pretty mad but more at Liam than me.
R- Oh what did he do?
L- He stormed out the house then found Liam and threatened to kill him for what he said.
R- Shit he won't will he?
L- No of course not.
R- Good because your dad is like my dad and I don't want him to get in trouble.
L- He won't I promise.
R- Good and have you thought about whether you want a boy or girl?
L- No, I haven't.
R- Well which do you want a boy or girl?
L- I'd love a little girl because of all the things mothers and daughters can do but then again a baby boy would be so amazing.
R- Oh yeah, what about names?
L- I'm not sure but I want them to have either a really masculine or a really feminine name because I don't like the gender neutral names.
R- Yeah and I guess you have over 6 months to pick a name.
L- Yeah but my favourites for a girl is Sabrina or Lydia and my favourites for a boy is Lucas or Caleb.
R- They're cute I really like Lydia and Lucas because they begin with an L and it just goes with your family; Logan, Lia, Lola, Layla and Lucas.
Logan, Lia, Lola, Layla and Lydia. They both really go with everyone else's names.

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