You're having a.....

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Congratulations you're having a...................


Omg, I'm going to have a baby girl, I can't wait to be able to hold her in my arms and get to cuddle her. After the sonogram, my mom drives Rosie and me to the mall. We go round all the baby, picking up cute things that we see. Mom said we can come back on the weekend to get everything that we need after we've been around a few shops and bought a few things mom takes Rosie and me to school.

On the way to school I sit in the car just thinking about having my little girl, I just can't wait for her to be here. Now I can finally buy everything I need, choose her names and design her nursery.

When we pull up outside the school, I feel like a weight has been just been dropped on me. I hate coming to school, knowing that I'm going to have to see Liam.

I walk in with Rosie and my mom walking in front of me, mum signs us in and gives them an excuse then Rosie and I walk to our maths class, we hand in our late pass' then sit down. Next, I have art, I have to sit in front of Liam in that class. I just want to be 22 weeks already so I don't have to see him anymore.

An hour and a half later-

Art class wasn't that bad, he didn't look at me once. It's now lunch because we already missed the first two lessons and break. I walk to Rosie and I's usual lunch table, and see her stood there talking to Liam. I think about just watching them, but then I see Rosie get angry with him.

Lo- What's going on here?
Li- I was just saying how I was such a jerk and that I miss you.
R- And then I said that he doesn't have a right to miss you because it's his fault.
Li- Can we just talk, please?
Lo- Erm...
Li- Please Lo I'll be at the coffee house at 4 please come.

L- What should I do?
R- Do what you want to babe.
L- I want to talk to him but then again he wanted me to kill my baby.
R- Well just talk to him, let him try to explain himself.


Mom picks Rosie and me up from school because she's in the area. When we get home I go up to my room to pick out a cute but baggy outfit. Then I chill out in my room before getting going to meet Liam, I tell my mom and dad that I'm going out with Rosie because I know my dad would kick off if he knows I'm going out with Liam.

I get to the coffee house 10 minutes early and Liam is already there, we order our drinks he gets a latte and I got a hot chocolate. We walk over to a table and sit across from him.

Li- Hey.
Lo- Hi.
Li- I'm so sorry.
Lo- About which part?
Li- Everything, I should I have never told you to get an abortion.
Lo- You're right you shouldn't have.
Li- I'm sorry I made you feel like crap and I'm sorry that I waited so long to talk to you again. I'm sorry about being a knob when u found out you were pregnant and I'm mostly sorry about you having to get an abortion.
Lo- I didn't have an abortion.
Li- You didn't?
Lo- No.
Li- Oh.
Lo- Yeah.
Li- So what are you doing? Are you keeping it or putting it up for adoption?
Lo- Her I'm keeping her.
Li- Her?
Lo- Yeah our baby is a girl.
Li- When did you find out that you're having a girl?
Lo- This morning.
Li- So you don't have a name for her?
Lo- No not yet, why do you actually want to be a father now?
Li- I don't know.
Lo- Well you need to make a decision because you can't just pick and choose when you want to be a dad.
Li- I'm sorry I just don't know if I'll be able to do this.
Lo- Well I don't know if I can do it either but I'm willing to give it a try because she's apart of me.
Li- What if I fuck up?
Lo- Well that's something we can work on.
Li- You think we can do it?
Lo- I think we can try, also if you are in our daughter's life for the first few years then you cant just leave without an explanation.
Li- I won't I promise.
Lo- If you do ill break your fingers.
Li- I believe that you will.

We talk for a bit then I go home. When I get home, I go up to my bedroom then call Rosie and tell her about everything. She thinks that it won't last and Liam won't want anything to do with me soon. After we finish the phone call I get a shower and then go downstairs to eat my dinner. When we finish I go upstairs and start to write down some names that I like.

 When we finish I go upstairs and start to write down some names that I like

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I send a picture of the list to Liam, to see which names he likes best.

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