Chapter 1

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"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Miley!"

I woke up to the sudden noise of my irritating parents and dip shit brother singing happy birthday to me.

Nothing better than starting your first day of grade 10 on your birthday right...

First person to turn 16 in my grade. Always have been always will be...

"Happy birthday Miley! Here's to a great year." My mom put a tray onto my bedside table before chucking her arms around me.

I hugged her back with a confused smile. I was still half asleep.

"Eat some pancakes and down your hot chocolate!" My older brother, James dumped the tray on my lap.

"Forget the hot chocolate I want a real shooter..." I rubbed my tired eyes.

"Um no... I don't think so Miles..." my dad always took everything seriously. Although I wasn't joking when I asked for a shooter..

"We'll leave you to it.." my family walked out my room, closing the door behind them.

I shoved down my breakfast and drink then walked over to my bathroom where I looked at myself in the mirror.

I pulled my hair up into a messy bun and brushed my teeth before washing my face.

I splatted on my make up  and perfected it as I always do...
Then I walked over to my cupboard and pulled out a pair of black ripped jeans, a white shirt and a black hoodie with the number 01 printed on it in white.

I searched for a pair of black socks from my dressing table then walked over to my door to pick up my black and white Super stars.

I quickly brushed my hair out and walked out the door into the living room.

"Bye family!" I shouted as I walked through the house to the front door.

Another Monday, another week...

At school

"Hey Miley." I looked up to see my two best friends standing ahead of me, Alexa and Jayne.

"Hey kids." I smiled at them.

"Well happy birthday you old fart!"
They both shouted.

I laughed and gave them a hug.

I heard a few shouts of happy birthday from around me.

If I must be honest, I am kind of popular ...

In class

"So Miley, when's your party gonna be?"

"Well I was hoping for this weekend. My parents are away for the weekend and my brother's going back to collage tomorrow."

"Oh cool. I'm ready for some fun hey!" Christian smiled at me.

"Can I bring a plus one?"

"The more the better I guess." I replied.

Let me catch you up on a few things ..
Christian and Alexa had a thing going on at one time but they never did anything about it. The sad thing is that Alexa instead fell for his best friend Luca.

The even sadder part is that Luca left the school about 2 days after him and Alex (Alexa) got together..

At break time

"I swear that guys getting fuckin hotter." Jayne looked over at someone walking by.

"Yeah yeah..."

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