Chapter 15

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My finger nails split and my left had slipped as I tried to hold onto the side of the tall building.

I was falling.

I kicked my legs as I screamed and struggled to hold on.

"How could you?" I cried, looking up at who had threw me off.

He stared down at me.

I felt his evil eyes staring at me with no sympathy as mine cried.

I looked down to see the drop below me.

I could give up, but I don't quit.

I lifted my left arm back up, trying to hold the edge of the wall as my right hand hang onto the very edge of the wall.

"Help me you bastard!" I screamed, my voice in anger.

He looked at me for a moment as I struggled before I looked down as I slipped again.

I looked back up to face the so called Devil.
He was gone.

I couldn't see his face anymore.
I was alone now.

No one wanted me.
No one was here to help.
Why not just let go?
It's easy..
Isn't it?

I took once last breath before speaking the words, "Goodbye, forever this time." I whispered them softly.

And let go..

I looked into the sky as I fell.

I didn't see myself hit the ground, I was still falling.


"Ahhh." I screamed, sitting up in my bed.

It was a dream.

I didn't die, I didn't fall.

But who was it in my dream that pushed me?

In my dream he was used.
I knew his face at the time.
I didn't expect him to have done that.
And I didn't know his reasons.

I rubbed my eyes.
I needed to change my thoughts.

I picked up my phone which was next to my bed, it was 05.55.

I walked into my bathroom and washed my face.
Trying to clear my thoughts.

It was civies day at school today so I decided to wear my black and white sleeved crop top with an oversized black zip up hoodie, black jeans which were ripped on the knees and upper leg and my white Nike Air Force shoes.
My hair was down, straight and a beautiful mess.

It looked nicer once it had a little rain run down it as I walked to school.

I felt confident and beautiful.
Something I don't feel often.

"I can't wait until the assembly today." Alexa was excited.

School assembly's at Woodland were honestly the best.
They only happened every 2 weeks so they seemed pretty important.

"Hey, um.." I spoke to Alexa, pulling her away from the people who surrounded us.

"What's up?" She was concerned as my face filled with horror.

"I um, I had a nightmare.." I said.


I explained to her what happened, giving all details.

"Who do you think it was?" She asked.

I zoned out for a moment.
Re-seeing everything from my dream.

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