Chapter 12

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No One pov

Allison kept calling Kai but he not answering

Hey Kai's Allison I called you alot why won't you answer , please call me back

She enter the lecture she was late , when she enter kai wasn't there

She walked and sit down next to tori

"Where is the hell is professor Parker?"Aly asked

"I have no idea , this is the first time he's late"Tori said

"There must be something wrong I am sure if it"Aly Said

Than suddenly he enter , he was wearing eye glasses
He put his bag on the desk than open his bag and grabbed a lot of papers from the bag

"Okay this is the first time I am late , I apologize now , I need you all be ready cause this is a pop quiz"He said he had this serious face on

"What?"all the students said

"But professor Parker we didn't study"Aly said

"Its not my fault , I am done being nice come on"He said

"But.."Aly said but he cut her off

"Miss Gomez if you don't like it then you can leave"He said

"But.."aly said

"No buts everyone stop talking now!"He yelled he start to give the students the papers
When he get to allison she give him  a look he looked at her back

"Professor Parker this is not right give us a chance till tomorrow so we can study"aly said

"I said everyone stop talking miss Gomez so I suggest you stop talking or you going to fail this subject"He said she looked down

He was done giving everyone the quiz he walked back to his desk standing there looking at them

"This is so not fair"Tori whispers

"Miss justice I said no talking!"He said
"Sorry"Tori said than aly looked up at him
He was looking so serious

After the lecture

"Okay Tori meet me at the cafeteria , I need to speak to professor Parker"Aly said

"Okay sure"Tori said than she left
Aly waited for everyone to leave than she walked to kai

"What the hell was that?"She said kai looked up at her

"So last night you just left , and I kept calling you all you didn't answer and then now this , What the hell is going on with you?"She asked

"Miss Gomez I am your professor so I suggest you talk with more respect to me , you know I can make you fail this class"He said

"What?"She said

"Do you want me to repeat myself"He said

"No I heard you very clearly Kai"She said

"Okay miss Gomez you my student and I am your professor so the next time you talk to me you say professor Parker , I am not your boyfriend or your friend so you can say kai"He said
"Do you understand , I am your professor"He said

"I understand you  , so I guess we are done"She said

"See you tomorrow professor Parker"She said than left

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