Chapter 17

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No One pov

"Kai!"She yelled than he opens the door

"Allison please stop yelling"He said than left the room

He locked very normal , like he wasn't sick at all

"What were you doing inside?"She asked

"Taking medication"He said she put her hand on his forehead

"You not freezing"She said

"Yeah like I said I took medication"He said

"That so we're I never seen a medication works this fast"She said

"My medication does"He said than walked to his bedroom she follow him

"This you're fine then I guess I'll leave"She said

"No no of course not you gonna stay with me tonight"He said walking closer to her

"I would love that"She said than she put her arms around his neck making him come closer

Than he carry her and than throw her on the bed

"Oh my god this bed is so comfortable"She said than he jumped on top of her kissing her neck

"Are you sure you okay now?"She asked than he pull away from her neck

"I swear I am fine"He said than she smiled
He lean in and kissed her , she kissed him back


"That was amazing"She said

"I know"He said than she Stand up from the bed grabbed his shirt and wear it

Kai was laying down on the bed with the cover on him

"You know your room is very nice"She said walking around

"Thanks"He said than his phone ring

"Can you hand me the phone please"He said than she walked to his desk grabbed the phone and walked back to him giving him the phone
Than she walked back to his desk

"Hello Mrs Bennett....... sorry hello bonnie .....yeah yeah I am fine"He said over the phone

Aly grabbed something was on the desk and kept looking at it

"Yeah I'll be there tomorrow .... yes thank you .....goodbye"He said over the phone than he hung up

"Sometimes she can be so annoying"he said

"What are you doing there? Come back here"He said than she turn around to him

She was holding the picture of Him and selly sitting on the grass

"What the hell is this?"She said He was shocked

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