Incident in P.E

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The bulling is getting worse, they obviously found out that Adam had been in and they are just teasing me even more now. Making up lies about me, Adam, mum, even Cain.

It's after P.E and I'm stood in the changing room but my clothes don't seem to be anywhere. I must have looked in my bag and the area around it 10 times. The changing room is becoming empty and it's not hard to tell who has got it as there stood there laughing at me.

"Missing something Georgia?" The ring leader asks me.

As there all fully dressed I notice my uniform sat on the bench behind them.

"Just this." I say pushing past them and grabbing my uniform as she falls over.

"You shouldn't have done that." One of the girls says as she pushes me back and I fall to the floor.

She's already jumped right back up but when I barely move they just laugh and walk off. As I stand up I get an intense pain in my ankle and I can barely put it on the floor. I hobble over to my bag and get changed.

I then make my way to lunch and just about manage to make it through to the end of the day but my ankle hurts and there's a few peg leg jokes tossed in just in case they weren't annoying me enough.

At the end of the day I text Adam asking him to pick me up, there was no way I was getting the bus that would just be more humiliation but I wasn't going to be able to walk anywhere with my ankle.

"So why did you needbpicking up?" Adam asks as I get into the car.

"Just feeling Lazy."I reply

"Now the real reason?" He asks as his smile fades a little.

"I fell over and hurtnmy ankle." I tell him.

"Hopefully It's just a sprain." He replies.

We arrive at the farm ablittle while later and go inside.

"Hi Adam, I didn'tknow you were coming over today." Mum says a little confused.

"He picked me up from school, thinks I've sprained my ankle." I tell her.

"How did you do that? To busy mucking about with your friends then looking where you're going?" She questions smiling. If Only she knew how far from thebtruth that was, that actually I didn't have any friends.

"Fell over after P.E." I quickly tell her.

"You always were the clumsy one." She says laughing. Adam leaves a few minutes later having to get back to the scrapyard.

"Right, you sit down and I'll get you some ice for that." mum tells me.

"I'm fine mum, don't worry about it." I reply.

"Just go and sit down." She says grabbing some ice from the freezer and a towel. I do as I'm told and go and sit on the sofa and she puts the ice on my ankle.

"Better?" She then asks.

"Yeah." I reply smiling as she goes back into the kitchen to make dinner.

A little while later the door goes and Holly comes through into the living room.

"What's up with you?"She questions looking at my foot.

"Twisted ankle." I tell her although I know she doesn't really care.

"I've had worse."She says which annoys me. I take the ice off my ankle and make my way to my bedroom as usual.

Mum comes up a little while later to check on me and tell me dinner's ready but she has something to do on the farm quickly.

"You alright." Cain asks as I sit down at the dinner table just me and him.

"Yeah, Just tired."I reply.

"And this thing at schools sorted?" Cain questions.

"Yeah, I don't needyou to kill anyone." I joke.

A/N - Hope you guys like it 💙

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