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Two words : School sucks

Now, I have plenty of arguments I can list but I'll put in the most prominent ones. First of all, why do we need to learn about science? I can get that it helps future aspiring scientists but what about those who aren't going to be a scientist? Why do we need to memorise the periodic table? Why do we need to know that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell? And why do we need to know that THE FORMULA OF ACCELERATION IS Vf-Vi DIVIDED BY t.
My second point is the obligatory "Intrams" or "Sports Festival" or whatever your school calls it. Now, this would technically fall under P.E. but I would rather put it here. First of all, why in the lord's nane is it graded? It's already hard enough keeping up with your other subjects, but then THIS shit kicks you in the balls with cheerdance practices, pep squad practices, volleyball practice, basketball practice, tennis practice, drinking water practices, and so many shit they make you do.
Third, and finally. C L U B S. During my years as a middle school student, I was in the Junior Police club(now, I'm not sure if you americans have this sort of club over there, but it's essentially a club where you become little cops in the school) and during my grade 4-5 years, I joined Junior Police. During my grade 4 years, I had near perfect attendance. Now, after turning grade 5, I started to skip club, not because I didn't like it or because I hated the club or anything, no, I skipped club because it was on Friday's. I think that explains it well enough, if you don't understand, let me explain it. Now, I was 11 back then when I quit, our dismissal time back then was 12 P.M, clubs usually took 2 hours
and started at 1 P.M, as a child that loves to stay at bed whenever it's Friday, I would make any excuse to prevent me from attending.

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