Mmmmm yass!!

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Me : *throws water over everyone*
Cory : where the hell did the microphone go!!???
Jon : really??just really
Me : well I lost the microphone and yes jon I did just do that
Ashlie : ima go dry off
Uni : whyyyy!!!
Me : because I can
Nick : meh
Dawn : I hate you
Tommy : well this sucks..
Me : well guys we got another dare
Jon : I swear to god if Its about kissing!
Nick : please....
Me : guys your spared for today
Cory : so what is it
Me : well its from awful_bomb_defuser and its for cory and uni to play 7 minutes in heaven
Uni : WHAT!!!!!
Jon : you heard them *lenny face*
Cory : *entire face goes red*.......
Me : well go on then get in the closet
Uni and cory : what no!
Jon: *shoves uni into the closet*
Tommy : *shoves cory into the closet*
Ashlie : *slams door closed*
Dawn : *laughing*
Cory : soooo ummm...
Uni :.....0//0
Jon : so *lenny face* what do we all think of this ?
Ashlie : this is bootiful
Nick : the ships will happen >:)
Tommy : no just no
Me : *fangirling* YESSSSS
uni : umm cory?
Cory : y-yes?
Uni : *kisses cory*
Cory : 0//////0
*seven minutes pass and all that happened was uni kissed cory and cory kissed uni*
Dawn : *opens closet door*
Jon : details NOW!!! :3
Ashlie : cut me a piece of those delicious details
Uni : fineeee
Cory : w-we umm we kissed *face goes red again*
Ashlie : the shipzzzz nick!
Tommy : this is
Me : *freaking out*

Me : anyways guys ill see you in the next chapter!
( remember to leave your dares or questions in the comments blockster out! )

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