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dgang : *kicks down door* 

everyone else : JESUS!

me : * crying over the door * 

per : *comforting blockster*


per : yeah its a dare

dory : AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! *throws water bottle  tommy*

tommy : OH ITS ON! *throws door at dory*

*dory dodges , the door hits dashlie*

dashlie : YOUUUUUUUUUU *runs at tommy* LITTLE SHIT!!! *kicks him in the nuts*

dommy : YOLO *throws table at cory*

cory : welp *knife slashes table* oh wait im still like chara  


ddawn : *throws knife at jon*

*the knife misses bye an inch*

ashlie : HOW DARE YOU TRY HURT THE SMOL BEAN! *throws per at ddawn*

per : welp cant say i didn't see this comin

der ( dgang per ) : *throws self at per*

*per and der are now on the floor*

me : mistakes where made today BIG FUCKING MISTAKES 

nick : uh oh

uni : they hurt a member of the table nation...

me : *throws 20 tables at ddawn and der* 

dick : *stabs nick in the shoulder from behind*


cory : oh no..

*cory throws up ink again, nick is triggerd af , dash is fighting jon, jon is trying to stop dash der ,per , dockster and blockster are all fighting along with duni , uni , dommy and ddawn*

dory : *about to stab cory while he is throwing up ink*

uni : BOIIII YOU STAB HIM AND YOUR DEAD *tackles dory*

duni : BICTHHH!!!!! GET YO HANDS OF MAH FISHY *throws uni at the wall*

dory and cory : ummm *look at each other, both grab chairs*

dory : *throws chair at per*

cory : *throws chair at dockster* 

dockster and per : *intensely turn around*

dockster : *throws couch at jon*

per : *fires bones at ddawn*

dommy : *throws knives at ashlie*

dashlie : *throws glass bottle at cory*

ddawn : *throws window at nick*

nick : *throws ddawn at duni*

window : *changes direction and throws self at dick*

dick : *throws spoon at window*

duni : *throws angry cat at uni*

uni : *throws angry bird at cat which throws angry dog at duni which throws angry stick at uni*

per : *gets hit with chair* FUKIN CHAIR NATIONNNN *ded*

dockster : *gets hit with chair* bleh *ded*

jon : *is know underneath the couch that dockster threw at him*

ddawn : *gets hit with the bones that per fired at him* OW SHIT BELH *ded*

ashlie : *dodges knife*

cory : *gets hit with glass bottle* Ah-*blacks out*

nick : *dodges window* da fuq is realty?

duni : *dodges window*


duni : *dodges angry dog*

duni : *dodges angry cat but gets hit with angry stick*

dashlie : welp duni we should umm get them all healed up *picks ddawn, dick and don which was hiding the whole time up*

duni : *picks up dory,der , dommy and dockster up*

nick : sooo are we  just left here

ashlie : *sighs* lets get to work

nick : what?

ashlie : we have to heal them renember?

nick : oh ye

dawn : ill help

ashlie : DAWN!

nick : wait your not injured?

dawn : i sat down and drank coffe while watching you guys

*nick ashlie and dawn start banaging everyone up*

nick : oh wait! ill see you all in the next chapter

(remember to leave your dares or questions in the comments blockster out!)

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