Mike Vs. Totem Gumshoos and Kahuna Hala

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"After Mike,Leafeon and Popplio was beating the Yungoos and Gumshoos,then they were defeated as he heads to the next room to see the Z-Crystal Stand and We were about to grab it but Leafeon senses something as she looks up to see a Totem Pokemon as Gumshoos appearing and a Burst of Aura appear."

Mike: Popplio,I choose you
*I threw Popplio's Pokeball and she came out*

Mike: Alright use Aqua Jet!
*Popplio rushes toward the Totem as Water formed around her as she dashes toward the Totem and hits it as she backs up to me*

Totem Gumshoos: Gumshoo!!
*It jumps towards Popplio using Super Fangs,But She dodges the Attack*

Mike: Now use Disarming Voice!
*Popplio use Disarming Voice directly at Totem Gumshoos as it went flying into a wall and it was nearly weakened as it rush towards Popplio using Bite and it injures her a bit as she use Water Gun and Gumshoos fainted*

"Popplio waddle over to me as she hugs me happily and Ilima came in to Congratulate me for clearing out the trials and he handed me the Normalium Z and now that I have the Z-Crystal I head to Route 3 to possibly find a Pokémon to catch and as you were battling some Pokemon to get ready for The Grand Trial as they head into a Meadow as there was a field of flowers as Leafeon hold onto you and they enter it and they encounter a Cottonee and Mike threw his Pokeball to in hope he'll catch it and surprisingly it did as Mike decided to rise the Alolan Pokemons affection first was Popplio  as Mike offered Pokebeans to Popplio and she not only ate the Pokebean but me with it."

(Warning Vore ahead if you don't like it,then skip to the next part)

"Inside,I was on her tongue as I avoid her sharp teeth as she swallow me and the mush Pokebeans as I slid down her throat an enter her stomach as I'm lucky the stomach won't hurt me though it kinda stings and I can feel it warmer up as I knew something like this would happen cause upon the moment I feed a certain Pokemon,they eat me mainly Female Pokemon eats me and it's not just Pokemon humans do it too though it's rare occasions."

"After 10 minutes,I climb back up Popplio's Throat as she spit me back out and so we had to Iki Town and as We were heading back Popplio was evolving into Brionne as I was amazed by her new evolution and her cuteness has increased too."

Mike: Well Look at you, Brionne you evolved into your 2nd form

Brionne: *She smiles as she licks me happily*

Mike: *Giggle*
Thanks now then let's go defeat The Kahuna

"But before I head to Iki Town,I saw a strange Pokemon looking at us as I was curious about it and then it floats down to me with something in its claws and then it give me a Z-Ring and it was at my size as I put it on and then I smiled."

Mike: T-thank you

Tapu Koko: Koko!
"It blasted off as Rotom Dex told me that it was Tapu Koko the Guardian Deity of Melemele Island. The four of the island has their own Tapus as I'll be heading to Akala Island Home to Tapu Lele soon once Hala is defeated."

"Soon we arrived at Iki Town as the folks see me and Hala facing each other as they were surprised that I'm so small as Kuikui and Lillie watched too."

Hala: Are you ready to battle me?

Mike: Yes sir
*i smiled*

Hala: Alright then let us begin

"Hala send out Mankey and I send out Brionne"

Mike: Brionne,Use Disarming Voice!
"Brionne nod as she used Disarming Voice as Mankey fainted due to Fairy type strong against Fighting Type and Hala sent Makuhita."

Hala: Alright now use Arm Thrust!

*Makuhita Use Arm Thrust as it hit Brionne but bearly as she use Disarming Voice which cause Makuhita to faint and Hala send out Crabrawler*

Hala: Face the power of the Z-Crystal!

*Hala used the Fightinium Z as Crabrawler use the Z-Move All Out Pummeling as it did some damage to Brionne and she finished Crabrawler up with a Aqua Jet as Crabrawler was weakened*

Hala: Now use Power up Punch!
*Crabrawler Punch Brionne as it's Attack Stats Rose*

Mike: Let's wrap this up with a Disarming Voice
*Brionne used Disarming Voice as Crabrawler was defeated which means Mike is the winner*

"Brionne hugs me as I hug her back after she let go of me,Hala walked to me as he gives me the Fightinium Z as he also noticed I have a Z-Ring and he has a hunch on how he got it,After that Lillie walked up to me and she healed my team up as she pick you up."

Lillie: Congrats on your Gran Trial,Mike you were great out there

Mike: *i blushed*
Oh uh...Thanks Lillie

*i looked into the tree to see Tapu Koko looking at me as I smiled*

"It was getting late as Lillie and Kuikui went back to the lab with me in Lillie's bag,Lillie was heading to her bed as she took me out and set down on a pillow next to her head as we slept peacefully."

Mike the Shrunken Trainer in AlolaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ