One - "Blurry, fuzzy, blackness"

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Blurry, fuzzy, blackness.

Tobey hit the ground at a fast pace. It's the third time this week that he's been beat up, but it's the first time this week it happened in school. Tobey usually gets a beating from his father or mother, and on occasion, some emotional beatings from his older sister. His life is a living hell. All he can think as he hit the floor was how much he wanted to kill everybody, but he wasn't capable of it, so instead he wanted to kill himself. Nobody loved him, nobody even cared if he died. But why would they? He was unsocial, rude, quiet, tired and unresponsive all at once. He was literally the definition of someone you want to avoid, especially since he writes about killing his classmates in his notebook.

And so, everyone avoids Tobey, but if they do end up coming into contact with him, which tends to somehow happen regularly, Tobey hits the floor.

There was of course no hope that Tobey could make a friend, he had one once, in nursery. He never learned his name because Tobey never asked, but they got along somehow, like they had some kind of mental connection. But younger children seem to have that sort of friendly way of socializing, now Tobey was in highschool, everyone was just a stuck-up bitch and treated every other human being that was in anyway different to them, with utter disrespect and horribleness. So it was no use for Tobey as he was the 'weird kid,' the 'different one,' he wasn't the type of boy most people would be friends with, and 'most people' just watched him smash his head on the yard floor after a single punch from Harry Snave sent him flying down to the ground.

And it was awfully embarrassing for Tobey. But nobody cared. Nobody thought that it was wrong. Nobody asked if he was okay. Even the teachers watched and did absolutely nothing, it was like he was a criminal, or a rapist or a terrorist. It was like everyone was watching thinking that he had done something terrible and that he deserved to be punished, that he deserved this beating.

Tobey felt he deserved it too, he felt like he was the 'bad guy,' like he was the one in the wrong.

He was only 5'4", he was scrawny, he wore unfashionable clothing that his mother got from the street, and he was unpopular. Tobey was easy pickings for bullies, he was an easy target, and that's probably why he gets beat up so much. Because he's the weakest of the bunch, the weirdest, the outcast.

Tobey was left alone on the wet concrete floor. Everyone had walked away after Tobey had passed out, even the teachers. He was a mess, he had bruises all over his face and he had cuts all over his cheeks and hands.

All he could remember was being hit.

Blurry, fuzzy, blackness.

And as Tobey lay there on the yard at the end of the day, he began to cry and rain fell on his head. Blood was dripping from his face and the rainwater was stinging his cuts. He stood up and looked around, the school was empty and deserted. He was completely and utterly alone.

Tobey walked to the gate at the front of the school. It was closed shut and locked. He had to painfully climb over the spiked fence and jump off, hurting his weak knees and feet.

He had to walk a while home as his parents didn't give him money for the bus, but Tobey didn't mind, as walking home was the only enjoyable time he got in the day. It was the time he could put on his headphones and listen to his music while taking a peaceful stroll. Tobey walked home slowly with his headphones on. The song today? Homecoming King by Andy Black. That was Tobey's absolute favourite song at the moment. To him, it was bittersweet. It had just the right amount of sadness in it's sound to match Tobey's life, but also somehow inspired him. Andy Black was Tobey's favourite singer, he liked all of his music and he had learned all of the lyrics. He was also fond of Andy's band, Black Veil Brides. They help him and inspire him to keep on going. Tobey listens to Andy and Black Veil Brides in any spare time that he has, becasue listening to music and reading and writing stories was Tobey's favourite thing to do. It was the only thing he had that didn't require human contact. It was the only thing he had that only involved him, his music, his pencil and his notebook.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2018 ⏰

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