Not Your Regular Girls' Night

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Autumn and Karen got settled next to each other on the couch after making popcorn and grabbing a bottle of wine. Karen picked up a small remote and turned off the lights, leaving only the glow of the television screen, "Is there anything in particular you'd like to watch?"

"I'm fine with anything, really," Autumn shrugged as she took a sip of her wine.

"If you say so, dear," Karen smirked as she searched for a movie. "I'm sure you'll enjoy this one."

"Carol? Have you ever actually seen this movie, Karen?"

Turning to Autumn and taking a sip of wine, "Of course I have. Several times actually, it's a favorite of mine. Have you seen it?" a hint of a smile played at her lips.

"I have," a confused Autumn replied as she turned her attention back to the screen. Deciding not to read too much into the situation, she stayed silent while eating her popcorn and drinking her wine for the next half an hour. Finally, she decided to break the silence. "So how did you come across this movie?"

Without missing a beat or even taking her eyes off of the television Karen replied, "I was searching for something featuring a sapphic romance."

"What?" Autumn cocked her head to the side.

"You know, a lesbian romance," she turned to look at Autumn this time.

"Oh no, I know what that means. I was just a little caught off guard, I guess."

"Oh? And why is that?" Karen sat her wine glass on the table in front of them and turned her body to face Autumn.

Suddenly her face felt hot, "I just wouldn't expect a straight woman to watch a movie specifically for the... sapphic romance."

"And I wouldn't expect you to assume my sexuality, Autumn," Karen playfully touched her hand to Autumn's shoulder. "Just because I'm married to a man and have two children doesn't mean that I've never had feelings for women."

Autumn swallowed hard, "I'm sorry, I just..." she was at a loss for words.

Sliding her hand up and down Autumn's arm slowly and laughing to herself, "It's okay. Really. I understand why you would be so surprised that proper old Mrs. Spencer likes women. Girls, really. I've always liked them young," Karen winked when she added the last part.

"Does... does Bradley know about this?"

Smirking, Karen replied, "He is aware that I've - let's say - experimented," she paused but continued when Autumn didn't reply. "What about you, dear? Have you ever experimented?"

Karen moved closer to Autumn on the sofa, "Twice," she blushed a deep red, "I've been with the same girl twice but that's it." For some reason she actually felt comfortable admitting this to Karen although she'd never admit it to anyone else.

"Tell me about it."

"Excuse me?"

"I want to know all about it. Tell me everything, Autumn, please."

Taking a deep breath, she decided to trust Karen. "We met in high school. I was a senior and she was a junior. She transferred from out of state and we were both on the debate team. One day we were hanging out at her house after a debate meeting and that's when it happened."

"I want to know more, Autumn," her voice became low and seductive. "Who made the first move? What exactly happened?"

Blushing even deeper, she kept going, "Well she kissed me first, but I pushed it further... We, well, you know..."

"No, I don't know. Tell me. Did you lick her-"

"Wait, hold on! Why do you want to know this? This is extremely personal."

Karen sat up straight, "It turns me on, thinking of innocent little Autumn lapping up another woman's juices. Would you like to see just how much it turns me on?"

Before Autumn even had a chance to answer, Karen had parted her legs and pulled her skirt up around her hips to reveal a pair of baby pink satin panties with a distinct wet patch forming at the gusset. She reached over and grabbed Autumn's hand to pull her off of the sofa, and Autumn could only allow it to happen as her mind raced to figure out what exactly was going to happen next.

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