The World We Lived In : Chapter 1

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   The world was different in the 2000's. At least that's what maw maw told my sister and I. She said that there was never such a thing of neko's, werewolves, or fox humans. The society was all human. Maw maw said that one day the humans started to let scientist have their body's when they die. Then the scientist did these crazy experiments on them. Each experiment would be tested with some DNA of one of the three main animals scientist used, the fox, the cat, and the wolf. For years and years scientist kept at the same thing, and finally a scientist named Dr.Nick Sare had finally did it. Maw maw had said that Dr.Sare made a gene and called it the dinsidious gene. Now insidious means sexually transmitted disease. Im guessing that's why he added the letter d in front of it. Maw maw also said that everyone wanted to know his secret. But he never did tell it because he took that secret to the grave. Maw maw said the the person he experimented on is still alive today , she's a singer named Melody Mose. Maw maw als- "Mama stop telling those girls your made up stories."

  Maw maws raspy voice answered back, "Vanessa it's not made up. I was there when it happened!"

  My sister and I face the woman who rolled her eyes at Maw maw. She had beautiful long blonde hair that had fox ears and A tail to go with it. Her eyes always shined like the clear ocean water. My sister, Anna, looked just like her. Me on the other hand looked like mama and papa put together. A girl with dark night sky eyes and white long straight hair. 

  "I've got to go mother. The girls have to go to school to tomorrow." Our mom turned to us, "its your first day of highschool!" She smiled gladly and turned towards the door, "come on say bye to you grandmother."

  I stood up and dusted off my colorful outfit. My top was folded over my chest like Chinese style, the lining of it had red on it, my skirt went to my thighs, it had a rose pattern all over it, and to top it off the outfit had a huge red bow in the back. And but of course us fox humans never wore shoes, unless you had that feeling that you had to.

  My sister did the same thing with her outfit. She got to wear what ever she liked, me on the other hand had to do Chinese custom clothing. Why? Because mother said that on day I'll become the real woman I'm meant to be. The only reason is because I'm older.

  The outside world of maw maws home was...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2018 ⏰

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