Thank You For Saving Me!

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🌷Your POV🌷
I have never been so scared in my whole life!
All I can do right now is run, cry and hope that man gets tired of chasing me.
My legs feel like they are going to die soon so I need to find a place where I can hide.
The closest place to hide was a two story home across the road.
I ran up to the door and knocked as loud as I could.
"Help! Please let me in! He's trying to kill me!" I cried.
A young boy who looked around 12 (the same age as me) opens the door.
He has dark brown curly shoulder-length hair.
His face has freckles everywhere and beautiful hazel-green eyes.

🍃Philip's POV🍃
I heard someone yelling and crying at the front door.
When I opened the door I saw a young girl crying.
She had H/L H/C hair and E/C eyes.
She was beautiful.
Before I could say anything, she ran inside, locked the door and hugged me.
She bursted out crying and may have woken everyone up.
I could feel my face blushing a lot as she held me tightly.
I don't know what to do.
I heard mom running towards us.
She must've heard her crying.
"What's going on down here?" My mom sounded really worried.
"I heard someone crying at the door so I opened it and she came running in. I think she said someone was trying to kill her!" I answered.
Mom looked almost as scared as I was.
"What's your name sweetie" Mom said softly.
"Y-Y/N" She said while she cried.
"Who's trying to kill you?" Mom said as calmly as she could.
She didn't say anything or let go of me.
Instead, she started hyperventilating.
I could feel her heartbeat suddenly beating faster.
"Th-tha...d-d-d...err...h-help" she mumbled.
Not long after that she started to shake and twitch.
I started to panic and tears rolled down my face.
"What's happening?!" I cried.
I saw pops running in to see what's happening.
"She's having a panic attack!" Pops said.
Out of nowhere, she lets go of me and starts falling.
Luckily I caught her before she hit the ground.
"She passed out. Philip, bring her to your room please." Pops said.
I picked her up and carried her to my room then laid her down on my bed.
"She'll wake up soon. I need to go back to work." Pops left the room.
"I am going back to sleep. Wake me up if you need anything." Mom said tiredly.
I couldn't keep it in.
I sat in the corner of my room and cried.
This has never happened to me before.
I have never experienced someone having a panic attack in my arms. (I'm not surprised)
I have never been so terrified in my entire life.

🌷Your POV🌷
I woke up in a bed. (Awesome, Wow)
I turned over to see the boy who saved my life.
He was...softly crying.
I quietly got out of bed and sat next to him.
"Hey. Are you okay?" I whispered.
He jumped a bit then looked at me with tears running down his face.
"U-uh...hey. I-It's just...I was really frightened." He looked away again.
"I'm so sorry. Thank you for saving me." I smiled at him.
"It's fine. I-I'm Philip by the way." He tried to smile but still looked very scared.

🍃Philip's POV🍃
I hope she doesn't think I'm a crybaby for crying in front of her.
I rest my head against the wall to try and get some sleep.
I felt arms wrapping around me.
I look over to Y/N.
She was hugging me and resting her head on my shoulder.
She was staring out of the window in front of us.
I fell asleep leaning back on the wall.

🌷Your POV🌷
I've been looking outside for about 10 mins.
I looked at a clock on top of a shelf.
I should probably get some sleep.
I turn to see if Philip was still awake.
He wasn't.
He looked so peaceful and...cute.
I fall asleep on his shoulder.

Woo! My first story! :)
More parts will be up! :)
advice is appreciated! :)
Did you enjoy it? :)
Word count: 738 words! Yay! :)
Comment if you find any mistakes please! :)

Date: 11th Feb 2018

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