
536 14 18

Should I continue this story?
I enjoy writing it but if no one wants to read it, I can come up with a new story.
It would be great if you could comment some requests for this story so I have an idea of what you guys like to read!
Lots of people write stories about Philip with different personalities.
These are things that Philip likes in my story:

- Cuddles.
- Walking to the park.
- Talking to you.
- Kissing your cheek.
- Your smile.
- Your Laugh.
- Playing with your hair.
- Making you laugh.
- When you blush.
- Helping you with your problems.
- Holding your hand.
- When you make funny faces.
- Dancing with you.
- Picking you up and swinging you around.
- You
- You

He is an innocent child.

Things that Philip does not like:

- People who are mean to you.
- When other girls touch him.
- When you are hurt.
- When you are upset.
- When you are scared.
- When people tease him.
- Liars.
- People who ignore him.

Not many things that he doesn't like.

Also, thank you for 100 reads!
:) :) :)

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