New Room!

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(Just to clarify. This is an au where no one dies :))

🌷Your POV🌷
I woke up to Philip tapping me on the shoulder.
"Good morning Y/N." Philip whispered.
"Hello Philip." I responded.
"Follow me." He said.
I got out of bed then followed Philip.
As we were walking, a man stopped us.
"Hello Philip! Who is this young lady?" The man said winking at me.
"Hi John. This is Y/N." Philip said.
"Hello Y/N. My name is John. I'm Alexander's friend." John said.
"Hi." I replied.
We continued to walk.
Philip suddenly stopped causing me to bump into him and fall over.
"Sorry!" Philip said while helping me up.
We both started laughing.
He opened the a door.
"Your new room!" He said smiling.
"How did the furniture get here so fast?" I asked.
"It came in this morning. Pa and John designed the room." Philip told me.
I walked into the room.
I have never seen this room before.
The walls are F/C and the furniture is white.
It looked a lot like my old room when I lived with my mom and dad.
It brought back all the memories.
The good ones and the bad ones.
I was too busy thinking about my memories that I didn't realise I was crying.
I dropped to my knees and cried.
I felt Philip's arm wrap around me.

🍃Philip's POV🍃
I wrapped my arm around Y/N.
I don't know what's happening.
I just let her cry into my shoulder.
I saw John walking into the room.
He saw that I was hugging Y/N and that her head was on my shoulder.
"Ooh what's going on here?" John said smirking at me.
"Not now John!" I whisper yelled.
He eventually saw Y/N was crying.
He walked out.
"I'm sorry." Y/N said in between sobs.
"Why are you sorry?" I questioned.
"I-it's looks like my old room from when I lived with my parents." She told me.
"It's okay Y/N. I will always be here for you." I said looking into her E/C eyes.
I couldn't help it.
I leaned in for a kiss.
We kissed for about 5 seconds.

🌷Your POV🌷
This was the second time that Philip has kissed me.
I really like him. him.
I just don't know how to tell him.
"W-would you like to be my girlfriend?" Philip said nervously.
I can't believe he just asked me that.
"Sure!" I said cheerfully.
We both started blushing wildly.
"I love you Philip." I told him.
"I love you too." He said smiling.
His smile is so cute.
"We should tell my Mom and Pa at breakfast" Philip said.
"Okay!" I said excitedly.
"Philip! Y/N! Come down for breakfast." Eliza said from the kitchen.
We ran downstairs and sat down.
Philip made sure everyone was there.
"Um...I have something to tell everyone." Philip said.
"Okay. What is it?" Eliza questioned.
"Y/N my girlfriend." I said.
Eliza, Alexander and John started to cheer.
"Congrats you two!" Alexander said excitedly.
"Th-thanks.'' I said.
After breakfast, Philip and I went to the park since school had been shutdown from the fire.
He held my hand as we walked through the park.
We walked past a couple girls who gave me bad looks.
"Don't worry about them. They are just jealous." Philip said.
We both started laughing.
We spent the day looking at the shops.
We also sat on the swing set an made each other laugh.
As the sun went down, we started to walk back home.
We were stopped by the same couple of girls from before.

🍃Philip's POV🍃
I recognise these girls.
They were in the same class as me.
"What are you doing with that thing?" One of the girls asked.
"This is my girlfriend and she is better than you!" I replied while sticking out my tongue.
"Ugh. Yeah right. She's just a poor, homeless girl." The girl laughed.
"Well I'm sorry that you're jealous of her." I responded
I grabbed Y/N's hand and pushed past the group of girls.
"Thanks Philip." Y/N said while she cuddled me.
I love the feeling of her cuddling me.
It made me feel warm inside.
"No problem!" I said smiling.
We walked home.
We ate dinner then I walked with Y/N to her room.
I sat on her bed while Y/N was lying down.
We talked for a bit until Y/N fell asleep.
I smiled then kissed her cheek and went to my room.
I fell asleep while thinking of Y/N.

Another one done :)
Comment suggestions :)
I hope you enjoyed it :)
Words Count: 800!
Comment below if you found any mistakes :)

19th February 2018

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