Meeting SuJu

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A/N: DOUBLE UPDATE!!!! Yay :) I had already finished writing two chapter several days ago, but something happened and so it deleted. i had to rewrite it and didn't have the feels for it anymore, but i managed to finish it so here you guys go, sorry if its bad :( kk :) ^__^


" TODAY!!!" I exclaimed half yelling as my manager announced that i'll be meeting Suju in another hour. I felt butterflies in my stomaches the moment i heard her break me the news. I didn't know how to react, i really had mixed feelings.

She put her index finger on her lips and tried to shush me down.

" can you hear yourself, bring your voice down"

I couldn't control myself from so much excitement and nervousness. I couldn't believe that i was finally going to meet Suju after such a long time of being their fan. Even though we work for the same company but i never got to actually meet them in person, you know what i mean. And now that i'm actually going to meet them i'm caught in mixed emotions.

" But how?" i questioned.

" they want to meet you since your soon going to practice for the mv" she replied.

I took a deep breath in thought of them wanting to meet me. That makes me even more nervous.

" can i go to luhan's practice room?" i asked my manager. I should've said Exo's practice room, not luhan's. I don't even know how his name came to my mind.

She raised an eyebrow and answered " sure, but make sure to be back here quickly."

I nodded and left the room.


I knocked on Exo's practice room and waited for someone to open the door.

After a while i heard the music stop and heared foot steps coming towards the door. Sehun opened the door and made way for me to come in.

" Hi susana"

"hi sehunnie" i beamed.

Inside i saw no one else but luhan dripping in sweat and taking a drink.

He quickly stopped drinking water the moment he saw me and took his towel, cleaning his face and neck.

" oh..hi"

" hello, did i interupt your dance practice?" i asked.

sehun decided to answer " no, not really. We were almost done anyways."

I beamed and questioned again " where the other members?"

" some are at vocal practices, and others are either gone for korean lessons or english lessons" luhan explained. I nodded and took a seat on one of the chairs.

" I'll come back " sehun excused himself and left.

I watched him leave the room leaving me and luhan alone.

" Whats your scheduale for today?" luhan asked to make converstaion.

I played with my hair and answered " I'm meeting with Suju in another 40 min or so"

" wah~ really" he exclaimed " you must be really happy"

I nodded with a smile and replied " I'm more scared though. Its my first time metting them, what if i get nervous and leave a bad impression on them" i asked.

luhan shook his head and grinned. " don't worry, you'll be just fine if you act natural."

I nodded and agreed.

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