Intoduce Yourslef

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   What a day 🙄 ........ Oh, hey there my name is Krystal Heart. I'm 15 years old (I know I'm pretty young) a senior high schooler in 10th grade.
    The description of me is pretty simple I have purple hair with blue eyes....I look really pale....Here is a photo of me when I went to the snow

Here is a photo of me when I went to the snow

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Yeah I was freezing in that photo....
    Sadly all the girls at my school says I'm pretty but all the boys say I'm just trying to be a slut. This makes me uncomfortable because the boys try to slap my ass while I walk to class😐.....
   While the boys do that the girls always compliment me of course .

*Hey readers it's unknown (the author) here to tell you there will be more about the forgiver and yes Krystal Heart is the forgiver*

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