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RJ has created group chat

RJ has forced Loki on group chat

Loki: What do you want woman?

Me: I'm bored

Loki: ok...

Me: I was wondering if you could teleport me to the the tower

Loki: why?

Me: I dyed my hair

Loki: what color

Me: *sends pic above*

Loki: Intresting

Me: yeah so get teleporting

Loki: you owe me

Me: we can prank Thor when I get there?

Loki: how?

Me: Well I have neon pink hair dye, and he's blonde so no bleach required

Loki: he'll know you did it from the pink but what about me?

Me: let's just make him pass out

Me: I dye half neon pink, you dye half neon green

Loki: deal

Loki: get ready

Loki has left the group chat

Me: It's gonna look so much like the Joker

RJ has left the group chat

(A/N: Hey lovelies I need some ideas in the comments down below, I have no idea what the Avengers should talk about soooooo.... I NEED HALP!!!!)

Avengers group chatWhere stories live. Discover now