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Tony has invited RJ to group chat

Me: the fuck you want?

Tony: so hurtzful

Me: it's 2 in the FUCKING MORNING

Tony:  okieeeeeeeee

Me: you're drunk aren't you

Tony: I'm nou dunk your drunk

Me: okay, sure..

Tony: iz you and unferoo's togethers

Me: um...no?

Tony: whyyy nnnnnnnnooooooooottttttt😣😣😣😣😣😣😣

Me: because we're just friends

Tony: didn't ask you to homecoming?

Me: no! We don't even go to the same school!!

Tony: buuuut it loooked a LOTZ like yu

Me: I'M WHITE!!!

Tony: ooohhh yeah

Tony: you need to get tan

Me: it's February!!!!!

Tony: soooooooooooooooo

Me: you're lucky tomorrow's Saturday or else I would beat your ass

Tony: I'm to old for you though -.-

Me: ....


Tony: rude

Me: Nope! I'm gonna leave now

Tony: nuuuuu

Me: WHAT?!?!

Tony: why don'tz you live with your parentz?

Me: I don't have any in this universe

Tony: y?

Me: backstories are hard

Tony: wat

Me: *sigh* I forgot you can't break the forth wall

Tony: was tjat?

Me: nothing

Me: I don't have parents alright

Tony: give me 10 minurs and gou sgall

Me: no Tony

Tony: why not😣😣😣

Me: no

Tony: but it'll be fun being my kid...

Me: I already have Thor and Loki as brother's, I think I'm good

Tony: YOU'RE A GOD?!?!

Me: -_-

Tony: He was being loud so I took his phone - Pepper

Me: thank you🙏🙏

Tony: go sleep sweetie, I'll see you in the morning - Pepper

Me: I'm making coffee and waffles in the morning for you because of this

Tony: awwww :3 thank you 💟 - Pepper

Me: no problem

Me: night

Tony: night sweetie, Tony say 'night' too - Pepper

Me: 🙂

RJ has left the group chat

Tony: I guess it would be nice having a daughter - Pepper

Tony/Pepper has left the group chat

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