30. Last Glimpses

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THE LAST CHAPTER BEFORE THE SEQUEL. Please vote, babes! It's taken me so long to get here. Enjoy!

30. Last Glimpses

"Riley." I repeated, the shock that exploded from my chest making the words come out in a gurgle.

"Savannah." He echoed, stepping in after casting a glance down either sides of the corridor.

"How could you?" I whispered, easing myself as far away from the man as I possible could. "They trusted you - you're a brother to them."

"It's more complicated than you think." He narrowed his eyes at me and pursed his lips, the wrinkles in his forehead defining even more with the expression.

"How?" I pressed, wishing I could curl up and disappear from the hole I was in. "How could it be any more complicated. You betrayed them. Betrayed me.

"Actually I went undercover to try and assist getting Stella out of here. I only revealed information that was relatively harmless."

"Relatively." I arched a brow at him, my anger causing the lump in my throat to grow.

"You would have never been in here. That was never my intention. You made that choice."

"You can't tell him. Jace I mean."

A pregnant pause, his form growing more rigid.

"I have to, Savannah. He's still like a brother to me, even if he has no clue what I've been doing for the past couple of months."

"This is one my chance of getting out!" I exploded, the words echoing down the hallway. "You're not taking that away from me."

"He loves you." Riley insisted, taking a step forward. "You leaving is going to destroy him. Just like Stella's disappearance."

"That's bullshit." I spat out. "He got what he wanted. I was never more than a pawn and a warm body to him."

"You know that's not true." He shook his head insistingly. "You were so much more."

"And look where that got us. The amount of hurt it's caused." My teeth sank into my bottom lip, my hands subconsciously rubbing at the chains still wrapped around my wrists. "None of it was worth it."

"But you love him." He whispered, though the sentence was spoken carefully, almost hesitantly.

"Yes." I softly replied, not wanting to show him the anguish on my face. "But sometimes that's not enough."

"I hate seeing you in here." His eyes moved around the room, taking in the dirty walls and uncomfortable surfaces. "I actually do consider you to be a friend."

"Then what are you doing here?" I pried, desperately wanting to understand why someone I had trusted had betrayed me.

"Because, I needed this. I wanted to protect them. We all love Stella."

"I still don't believe you're not a traitor." I muttered, casting another dark glance his way.

"Why would I betray someone who treats me so good?" He questioned after a long pause. "Jace has never done anything wrong to me and he pays us well. He takes care of us."

His answer left me confused and I only sunk closer to the wall I huddled against.

"What's going to happen now?" There was no strength left in me for even the fear to show in my voice.

"I can't let him hurt you." He hesitated, "But, I don't know how to stop him without blowing the cover. I would never be able to get both of us out of here."

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