12. Flying High In the Caution-Zone

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12. Flying High In the Caution-Zone

I was floating on the edge of dreaming and consciousness. The hand lazily tracing pathways on my back had me letting out a blissful sigh and I snuggled more comfortably on what I was lying on. The hard, muscular surface was strangely pleasant. I was cozily wrapped into someone's side, half-on them and half-off. I let out a sigh of blissful-ness. A musky, masculine scent surrounded me, encompassing every breath I slowly inhaled . It clung to the body I was attached to, spreading a feeling of familiarity and safety. My hand slowly moved across the abs underneath my fingertips, dancing pleasantly the thick muscles of the stranger's body. Letting out another content-noise, I pressed my cheek tighter again the chest I was sprawled across.

Only then did it hit me.

No nightmares had tortured me that night. I hadn't woken up screaming or thrown-up the contents of my stomach. I had laid here, blissfully snuggled into this chest, sleeping peacefully, not once waking up. I paused, the realization not making any sense to me. Why would the nightmares stop?

It was the large bulge shoved against my thigh that gaze me that realization.

Letting out a gasp, I forced myself to pull away from Jace's very inviting body. It all hadn't been a dream like I had wished for. No, the strong, muscular body I had been practically feeling-up was in-fact Jace. And from the smirk on his cheeks, he had been awake the whole time my hand had been exploring.

The sheets I were still wrapped in pulled away, as I pulled myself farther from the grinning man, letting me see exactly what that bulge was.

"Jace!" I shouted, feeling a blush begin to cover my cheeks. I turned away, resisting the urge to peek at his lower-area once more. "Jace! Put some pants on!"

"It's just my boxers, Savannah." He rolled his eyes and the sound of him sliding out of the bed had me releasing a sigh of relief. "Plus, I'm a man and we all know you want another peek."

"Shut up," I hissed, pressing a hand to my heated cheeks.

The tired-haziness that had lingered in the back of my mind everyday seemed to be relatively gone. I felt more awake than I had ever. I moved to stare at Jace's back, feeling the redness in my cheek intensify. All of that was because of him.

I turned away, pushing the sheet away and straightening my clothing underneath. I suddenly felt the need to thank him for helping the nightmares stop for the night. I bit my lip to stop that urge. I didn't want to thank this Illegal-arms-dealer for something that he could only percieve as weak.

"Since I wasn't woken by your screaming-nightmares," He smirked as he tugged my arm to look up at him. "I'll assume my theory was right."

My eyes flickered downward briefly, distracted by his chiseled chest and bulging abs. I was half-disappointed and half-relieved to see that a pair of sweats hung off his hips. I cleared my throats, knowing that the sheer amount of muscle on him made sense. He was an illegal arms dealer after all. He needed to protect himself and be ready for anything.

I frowned, forcing my shoulders to rise and fall. "I guess so - uh - thank you for that." I blurted out, mentally slapping myself. I needed a new strategy to get myself out of this situation and that was to not show weakness or get distracted by a certain person standing in front of me.

He looked puzzled, but he straightened and his head nodded. "Sure," He drawled on slowly, crossing his arms so the muscles in his arms bulged. "It's no problem."

I gulped, nodding as I attempted to tame my mane of wavy hair that seemed to be trying to stand in every direction possible.

"We're leaving at two." He spoke, walking towards the closet. He returned a moment later with a pile of clothing, which he tossed in my direction. "Which is in one hour."

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