Chapter 1

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        My sister and I, Barbara were just coming home from a day of school. I'm an overprotective older brother, especially when it came to people making fun of Barbara, which she's struggled with throughout school. Though I can't vocally voice my opinions, I do my best to make sure she's safe and happy at school. We exited the school building and walked toward the school bus as the snow started to come down. I had my notebook with Martin on the outside in blue calligraphy lettering under my arm, for communication. Barbara had gotten it for me along with a sparkly purple pen a few years ago, so I have it wherever I goes. We took a seat beside each other "Do you have homework?" Barbara asks me putting her backpack on her lap then looking at me, I started to write with my sparkly pen to which she smiled at "No. I did it at lunch" I said contently she nodded "Good....or else dad would have made us work on it the second we get in."She said referring to Jim who I was much closer to than her, I nodded. The school bus started to drive off as we looked out of the frosted window.

         Oswald had arranged for us to take the bus when he and Jim wasn't home "Why did dad want us to take the bus?" I write and give her the paper, she takes it and looks at me "I think they're busy with their work... " she scowled, neither of us like the fact that they're usually busy with work, not to mention their works are so different from one another. We stopped at our stop then got out and walked in the house and Oswald was home "Hi Daddy!" Barb says hugging him "Hi sweetie" Oswald said with a smile, Jim walked in "hey kids, how was school?" I cross my arms and huff looking away "Mart' what's wrong?" Oswald asks me, I shake my head. I look at Barbara and we both think the same thing: Why did we have to take the bus... If they were both at home? I quickly write down "Why are you home yet made us take the bus?" I give it to Jim "Oh... Mart your father and I were just.." Jim struggled to speak, Barbara got closer to me as we simply watched him try to come up with an excuse (like usual). "Having a discussion" Oswald said quickly with a smile at us, Jim nodded smiling. I frown, I hate when they think we're oblivious. We obviously know something happened. Barbara crossed her arms "What happened?" She asks them, Oswald looked to Jim "Noth-" Jim stopped him "We were just talking about work. It's important information and we needed to have a proper discussion. Zsas was here too." Jim said scratching his head, Oswald nodded. I hate the fact that my parents lie to us, just because they assume we're impressionable, gullible kids. I nod not wanting to waste my pen ink on something they're clearly lying about. Barbara rolls her eyes "Don't lie to us next time, we're not dumb." Barbara said and stormed off into her room. My parents looked at me, I gave a disapproving look, and then I went upstairs to join Barbara. 

         "Ugh I HATE when they lie to us! Why can't they just be upfront with us!" She paced frustratingly, as I shut the door. I nodded and sat on her silk purple sheeted bed which was very comfortable. She came and sat down next to me. I open my pen "Do you think they ever fight about work?" I write nervously "Most likely... But I think I know what they were doing." Barb says to me handing back the notebook, I look at her confused, she rolls her eyes "Come on Mart. I thought you were the smart one here" she teased, I thought about it and then it hit me, my eyes widened and she nodded "Yes that." She says, I now know what she's talking about but I cringe at the thought of our parents... well... you know. She laughs and cringes as I do. Then we both get out our homework and start working on it as we put some music on in the background. After a while I pass her a note "I still can't get that out of my head." She puts her pen down "Me neither. Unfortunately" she scrunches her nose "I mean can they at least wait until night??" I smile laughingly "Exactly" I jot down, she continues her math homework shaking her head at the thought. I finish my english homework which, despite my verbal deficit, is my best subject. Once finished, we sit in front of the frosted window and watch the snow pick up outside. "BARB! MART' COME DOWN FOR DINNER!" Oswald calls to us from downstairs so we get up and go downstairs. Oswald brings in a dish with steak and mashed potatoes, along with salad. We all take our seats after filling our glasses. Barb and Jim get coke per usual, and I get a pepsi. "Thanks" Barbara says to Oswald, I nod. He smiled "Of course! Hope you like it" We all begin to eat dinner which of course was expensive steak "Ozzie this is amazing! Hits the spot" Jim says with a mouthful of food "It really is good, dad" Barbara says to him "You two say that every time." Oswald says with a laugh as we hear the front door open and someone stomps into the kitchen "Jim." A women with short,curled blonde hair says,I only met her once but I know that she's none other than Barbara Kean - Barbara Gordon-Cobblepot's mother. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2018 ⏰

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Teenage lives of Martin and Barbara Gordon-CobblepotWhere stories live. Discover now