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‘Maybe life is random, but I doubt it’


Steven Tyler


That night she shared a bedroom with Amy in two single beds, her thoughts louder than the snoring beside her – the afternoon events swirling around her head like a tornado. The pros and cons, the reality that was actually happening and the fact that Steven didn’t seem like a bad fella. In saying that, she wanted to be with her own thoughts and time to herself, not having to be forced once again with company.

She was slightly shaken at the rush of events, everything seemed to be happening so fast, like it was only yesterday she had buried her parents. She just needed time and it seemed that no one understood that.

Morning came, Amy took them to the local bakery and ordered them some breakfast. They would be driving home today but not before they met up with Steven one last time. Delaney wasn’t sure whether she was dreading the fact of having to spend more time with him or not, she still couldn’t get her ups and downs right.

When they finished breakfast, Amy left the money on the table and started to collect her jacket and handbag. “Where are we going?” Delaney questioned, she was positive that Amy had said they were meeting up with Steven.

“We’re going down to the beach.” Delaney collected her own backpack and followed Amy out to the car, excitement racing through her at the chance to be near the ocean. “Steven chose the place.”

At Amy’s revealing, she couldn’t help but think about the man who is her biology father. Were they completely different? She lived in the country surrounded by trees and lakes. Steven’s location was on the coast, the salty sea. What else could they have different? Did they have any similarities?

When they arrived to the beach, there was a few locals in the area swimming and fishing but none appeared to be Steven. She didn’t get a chance to step on the sandy beach when Amy’s cell phone rang out, halting the pair as the social worker dug around in her handbag for her mobile.

Delaney glanced between the beach and Amy before making her decision and walking her was down towards the water. Halfway there, she took off her sneakers, wiggling her toes in-between the sand before she came to the edge of the water. Glancing behind her, Amy still paced the small spot near the car as she spoke on the phone. Delaney bent down to roll up her jeans when a rather large cream shell caught her attention. She picked it up, checking inside to make sure it was empty before brushing the sand from the shell.

In her side version a pair of large feet came into view. “Place it against your ear and you’ll hear the ocean.”  She glanced up at the sound of the man’s voice, slightly frowning from his suggestion.

“You can?” She questioned, she’d never heard of such a suggestion, then again this was her first time experiencing the beach.

“Yeah, give it a try.” Steven kneeled down beside her, watching as she curiously put the shell to her ear and the look of surprise flashed across it, a smile coming to her lips. “It’s a conch shell.” He said, watching as she traced the spiral shape of the shell. “Where ever you go, you’ll be able to hear the sea.”

Delaney looked at the sea shell in her hand before glancing at the man in front of her, he seemed to always surprise her no matter the time or place.

Standing up, she walked away from the waters edge and sat down in the middle of the sand where the water couldn’t reach her. Her questions of this morning returning at full as Steven sat next to her in the sand. He didn’t seemed worried that his lavish clothes could be stained. It was his leather shoes place in front of them that made Delaney frown. She didn’t think her runners where in the worse of shape but compared to Steven’s, the small rips on the side and discoloured fabric made her feel unworthy. “You’re so normal.” The words slipped out without her really thinking about them, she tried to make the comment seem less rude. “I mean, you’re a rock star.” She kept her eyes on the sand, picking up a handful and watching it escape through the cracks between her fingers.

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