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‘I don’t think anything is forever,
but when my kids tell me they love me, that’s forever’

Steven Tyler


It had been a couple of months and time seemed to flash by as she spent more time with Steven whether it was in his company or over the phone chatting. It was one of those nights with her back against the wall sitting on stool with the phone against her ear, the cord getting curled around her fingers as their conversation progressed. “On the weekend I’m going to meet up with the band, would you like to come with me?” Steven raised the questioned.

“This weekend?” She asked, wondering how on earth she’d get there at a reasonable time on Saturday.

“Yeah, I’ll talk to Amy and organise her to drive you down after school on Friday.” He replied to her, filling in the gaps on the how and when.

She wasn't too excited about the thought of spending a long amount of time with Amy but the end result would be worth it. "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea."

"And I'll drive you back on the Sunday night." Steven replied from the other end of the phone. "Is your Gran there?"

"I'll go get her." Delaney knew the process by heart, the adults chatting about the final details and then she'd be with her father in no time. She went to the lounge to tell her Gran about Steven on the other end. She watched the older woman get up from the couch and make her way into the kitchen, picking up the phone before Delaney took to the stairs to have a shower and get ready for school tomorrow.

Friday came around slower than usual with her classes dragging on and the homework growing larger, it was a relief to be walking up the stairs to her Gran's old house, and even the sight of Amy's car didn't dishearten her as she knew her destination. Delaney had mentioned early on the week after the phone call with Steven about her meeting Aerosmith on the weekend, and her best friend merely stared at her for a moment before screaming and quizzing Delaney about when she would be able to meet the band, which Delaney was clueless about and feeling a bit overwhelmed at the realisation that many would love to be in her spot.

Opening the front door, she was greeted by her Gran and Amy in the kitchen. She had gotten into the routine of organising a duffle bag the night before. She gave the women a quick 'hello' and headed towards the bedroom, dropping one bag and picking up the duffle without a moment’s hesitation to re-join the women down stairs.


They arrived soon after dark to the Tyler's house, there was three cars parked out the front while the house was lit up with lights. The flicker of nerves started as the car came to a stop - Was the whole family inside? Or was it only Steven, Taj and Mia again?

Amy got out from the car, leaving Delaney no choice but she follow as she got out and grabbed her duffle bag from the backseat of the vehicle. She slowly followed the case worker to the front steps. Amy pressing the doorbell when they reached the wooden door with the glass middle piece.

When the shadow came to the door, Delaney hoped it would be Steven who answered but the blonde woman came to the door wasn't who she hoped for. The age and appearance of the woman meant one thing, this would be her step mother, Teresa Barrick. "Hello, I'm Amy and this is-"

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