Chapter 3 - Another

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"There's another pack nearby?" Sylvia asked her mate, coming towards him and Brock.

Adolph turned around, "Yes," he answered her quietly, "but please don't alarm the others."

Sylvia nodded.

"Hey guys," Joseina called, "I think the sun is coming up soon."

Indeed it was. The sky, although still dark, was beginning to lighten in the East, but the sun was not yet visible.

"Alright, pups," the silvery wolf mother announced, "it's time for sleep." She crawled over to them and ushered them into the den.

"Aw, man," whined Fang, "how come Morse and them get to stay up?!"

"They're older," Sylvia growled warningly. Fang whimpered and followed his siblings, tail between his hind legs.

*Two months later*

"Mom, are you sure I have to cough up stuff for Star?" Dara asked. Her fur had grown in a hair-like way almost over her eyes. There were arrowhead and circle marks on either of her cheeks.

"He's still not old enough to hunt yet, dear," her mother responded, ripping at the pack's kill.

"Too bad, hunting is fun!" Fang exclaimed, wagging his tail. He had gotten used to his newest brother by now.

"Come on, Dara!" Star encouraged, opening his little jaws. He was no longer afraid of the other wolves. Dara sighed and regurgitated a bit of her share for him.

Morse chuckled, "Kids."

Joseina frowned, chewing the last of her meat. Brock pricked his ears at something in the distance, then shook his head and sat down. He stiffed the air intently, looking concerned.

Brock stood up suddenly, his chocolatey eyes squinting in confusion.

"What's wrong?" Adolph asked. He walked up to him, smelling around as well.

"Another pack is coming!" Joseina called out.

The pups whimpered.

Sylvia growled, "This is our territory."

Morse started, "As hunt leader-"

"Father is the alpha, rabbit-brain!" Joseina cut in.

"Jo, relax!" Adolph sighed, "But she's right. I'll deal with this."

"Pups," Sylvia ordered, "into the den, for safety."

"But mo-om," Fang began. His mother growled and the three youngest wolves went into the shelter.

Most of the older wolves went towards the other pack, whilst Sylvia stayed back to care for the pups. She stayed in the den, but soon had to leave to, um, mark her territory.

"Stay here," she whispered. She padded out of the den.

Fang smiled, raising his crescent-marked cheeks.

"Let's go!" he told the other pups as soon as their mother was gone.

"What?" Dara gasped.

"C'mon," he urged, "I wanna check out that other pack!"

"See if there are other pups, too?" Star wondered.

"Yeah! That's the spirit!" Fang grinned, then turned to his sister, "Please?"

Dara whimpered, then sighed, "Oh, fine, but we're gonna get in a lot of trouble! Are you sure you want to?"

"We're off then!" Fang pranced towards the den entrance, Star close behind. Dara gasped, running to catch up with them.

They had snuck out.

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