Chapter 7 - Secrets

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Fang twitched his ears. He opened his dark blue eyes and peered out around his illuminated surroundings. It was past his bedtime, but he slowly got up and crept a little far off from his pack. He stretched and looked up at the sun.

He sat on his haunches and thought about that other pack. He wondered why his parents were so worried about them playing with the other pups. They seemed so nice; he wondered what the alphas were so - disagreeable for.

He thought back to that time when Royal had introduced him and Dara to Link and Ice. He thought about how fun it had been when his sister had finally submitted to fun. He wondered if he would ever meet the other pups, and if Star would, either.

He yawned and shook it off, knowing that this would all be sorted out someday. He turned in a circle and curled up, closing his eyes in the sunshine. Dara blinked hers, and Adolph snored.


"Nogel, that sounds completely unnecessary," Sasha argued with her mate. The scar across her eye tensed and her white fur ruffled.

"I agree," a brownish she-wolf added, "I think we should keep to ourselves."

"When I was in the desert-" a reddish brown one was cut off.

"No one wants to her about your humans tales, Arizona!" Nogel barked. He shook his head, "I'm sorry, it's just-"

"I know," Sasha comforted him.

"So what's the plan?" a black female asked timidly.

The male alpha laughed, "Well, we..."


Royal watched the sun set. She couldn't wait for the night. It had been about a month since she had seen Fang and his siblings. A slightly smaller white pup with a black spot on her forepaw padded up behind her.

"Hello, Pig." She said without turning around.

"I want to meet them." Pig stated. Her red eyes shone with passion.

Royal blinked her own golden ones and licked her paw, taking in the last of the radiant sunbeams. She turned, "And you will. I have a plan."

"Speak," Pig encouraged.

"We're all going to see the other pack. It just might take awhile. You know how Ice sometimes sneaks off to explore in the day?"


"It's tiiiiime to hunt!" Star cried cheerfully.

Joseina stretched, then shoved Morse over.

"Ow!" He yelled, waking up, "What was that for?!"

Joseina smirked in a way only a wolf can.

"C'mon, guys," Brock tripped over himself, splitting up their argument. Joseina held back a laugh.

Sylvia and Adolph got up as well, and prepared themselves to lead the hunt.

The light grey whelp leaned over to her littermate and whispered, "I know that look. You've been staying up. What's going on?"

"It's a surprise," Fang whispered back, "but trust me, you're going to love it."

Dara nodded, knowing not to ask more but instead to ready herself mentally and physically for catching prey.

"It's time to run," Adolph announced after a few minutes.

"Alright, let's go," Nogel declared at the same time.

And both packs began their hunt.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2018 ⏰

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