10 ways to prank your teen sis

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1. grab invisable string and tie it in the hall way and your sis will run into it and get tangeled(if you want it safer than that tie visible string colorful string in the hall way and they have to slide and crawl through it.

2. tie invisible string under the door and your sis opens the door walks out and trips

3.put paint in ure sisters shampoo(probely get you grounded but its worth it)

4.terririze your sisters best friend

5.break into your sisters piggybank and raid her money and spend all of it.

6.cook her a meal and say its made out of bugs (make sure she bites it first)

7.poor water on her phone then she will yell your name then say opps i forgot its in a waterproof  case

8.sing the abc's in front of her(dont do it if she likes the abc's)

9.terririze her boy friend say personal things about her(acward things about her)

10. find makeup and dresses and bra's and put them on and act like a girl(only if your a boy)


ok now its ten ways to prank teen brother

1.put girl shampoo in his bottle

2.tell his girlfriend akward stuff about him

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2015 ⏰

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