Carnival Date

276 8 12

3rd Person POV

It had been a few days since the encounter in the night. Admittedly,  nothing had changed much since then. Mira has calmed down a lot, and surprisingly spent a lot of time with Laxus. It seemed as if they had gotten a lot closer in the past few days, which was shocking (puns). But no one was complaining, because for once, Mira wasn't the devil in disguise.

Everyone was just doing their own thing.  Lucy, Juvia and Erza were hanging out in the living room, Natsu and Gray were fighting over nothing (as always) and Jellal and Laxus were having an awkward conversation in the kitchen. Mira and Abilene were nowhere to be seen (worrying??) and Romeo and Wendy were sitting out on the balcony drawing and enjoying each other's company.

"Hey Wendy..." Romeo bit his lip. He was obviously trying to figure out something in his head.

"Hmm?" Wendy glanced up from her picture, only for a second before she continued drawing. "What is it?"

"W-well I was wondering if you would..." He stared at his feet and fidgeted with his fingers. A hideously red blush dusting across his cheeks.

Now Wendy was curious. She tore her gaze away from the piece of paper and placed her hands in her lap. "If I would...what?"

Romeo's word's came out slightly above a whisper, if there were a breeze, the wind would have carried them away. "Do you wanna go out with me today?"

Wendy blinked. Once. Twice. Trice. "Do you mean... like a date?"

Romeo's face burned redder than an angry rash "I-I guess... yeah."

This time, it was Wendy's turn to blush, although less so. "Uhh.. sure I guess.."

Romeo's eyes snapped wide open as he stared at her. "Wait.. really??"

Wendy nodded.

Romeo wasn't sure why he leaned over the table between them and hugged her. Maybe it was overwhelming shock, maybe it was happiness. Who knows? Not Romeo, all he knew was that he really wanted to embrace her right then and there.

It wasn't until after Wendy cleared her throat that he realized what he was doing.

"Umm.." She squirmed under his grip.

Immediately, Romeo let go and apologized frantically. "I'm so sorry! I didn't realize I-" He sat down, face redder than a strawberry, unable to think of words to come out of his mouth.

Then the most unexpected thing happened. He saw Wendy giggle out of the corner of his eye. "It's ok. Maybe a warning would be nice next time?" She winked, and it was obvious she was teasing him. She stood up, collecting all her art supplies and headed inside, Romeo following behind. "So, where are we going?" She asked while putting her supplies in her bag.

Romeo shrugged and folded his arms behind his head, a classic move he picked up from Natsu. "Wherever you wanna go is fine by me"

"Umm ok then. I heard there's currently a carnival around here, maybe we could go?" Wendy said nervously. She felt she was never any good at making decisions.

Romeo smiled his boyhood smile. "That sounds great!" He went to open the front door for her but was stopped.

"Hold it! Where do you think you're going?" A fearsome Erza appeared right in front of them. She crossed her arms in a stern manner

"Uh, out?" Romeo raised his eyebrows as if to say "duh", which was a dangerous card to play around Erza.

"I don't think so!" Erza huffed. "You do realize that if I sent you out there alone, things could happen to you. And frankly, Romeo, your dad would kill me if I lost you somehow. Not because I care about you, just because I don't want him to go on a rampage."

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2018 ⏰

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