1st birthday

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I'm not 100% sure how this story will progress but I have an idea as to how it will. This will go up to when universe 6 gets erased in the Tournament of Power by then the reader will probably be 3 or 4 maybe 5. I'm not sure. I actually know how this will end (very emotional ending by the way) it's just getting there.

There will be jumps in time since I can't cover everything that happens.

Today was (Y/N)'s first birthday, a very big milestone in his/her life. It was amazing how much (Y/N) had changed in just a year. When Hit found (Y/N) he/she was extremely tiny, and malnourished. In just a years time Hit watched the baby grow so much in just a short time it would make anyone cry. (Y/N) went from being that tiny malnourished baby to a happy , playfull, energetic one. Yeah, He/she might have been a bit slow to start things like talking and walking that didn't matter. Hit was just glad (Y/N) was alive and well.

That's why Hit was going to make sure you enjoyed your first birthday to your best ability. He had gotten a small cake for (Y/N) with purple icing because it was his/her favorite color although Hit wasn't sure why. Hit also got (Y/N) this big teddy bear that he/she always pointed at when they were at the store together. Hit kind of assumed by this action that he/she really wanted that bear so he decided to surprise (Y/N) and get it for his/her birthday. Last but not least Hit got balloons. What kind of birthday party would it be without balloons. Hit just hoped (Y/N) would like it. Kids can be weird after all

The only thing he wished he could do for (Y/N)'s birthday is have some friends for him/her to celebrate it with. (Y/N) didn't have any friends unfortunately. Thanks to his/her Dad's career it was virtually impossible for him/her to have them. The majority of the parents in the area knew Hit was an assassin and stayed away from him out of fear of being killed. These judgemental actions unfortunately affected (Y/N) too. When Hit was judged by others (Y/N) was unfairly judged too. It was such a shame too since Hit knew (Y/N) was such a sweetheart that anyone could love. They just had to give him/her a chance.

At least (Y/N) was still too young to wonder why he/she didn't have friends. Hit dreaded the day (Y/N) would ask why everyone seemed to hate him/her and Hit would have to explain why.

Hit worries dissolved even for a moment when he saw his baby boy/girl cheerfully giggling as he/she played with one of the balloons Hit had blown up earlier. Watching (Y/N) brought a smile to his face.

"Woon", (Y/N) said while giggling.
"Yes, it's a balloon (Y/N)", Hit said crouching down to the babies level.

The baby crawled closer to Hit the balloon in his/her hand. One he/she was close enough (Y/N) hit Hit with the balloon.

"Woon", (Y/N) giggled as she smacked Hit's face with the balloon.

Hit gently picked (Y/N) up and started to carry him/her out of the room.

"I think thats enough balloons for you today", Hit stated sternly.
"Waaaaah", (Y/N) cried.
"But, we're going to have cake now", Hit replied trying to cheer the baby up.
"Yay", the baby cheered.
Hit walked over to the table where the small cake was and set the baby down in his/her seat.
The cake by no means looked appealing. After all Hit baked it all by himself. It wasn't like he was a baker.
The cake was uneven and looked like it would colapse itself. The icing was put on the cake so messily the cake looked as if it had been in a war zone. As long as (y/n) likes it was all that mattered.
"(Y/N), what do you think", Hit chuckled.
"Cake", you replied cheerfully.
Hit took that as a sign that you liked it.
"I have to grab the candle. Sit still.", Hit stated sternly.
"Otay", the baby replied.
Hit turned around and walked towards the drawer he kept the candle in. At least he thought it was in there. It was hard to tell considering the drawer had practically everything from bouncy balls to machetes. It took Hit 20 minutes of rummaging in the drawer to find the candle. He was so excited when he found it. It was the first time he was gonna sing the happy birthday song to you after all.

When Hit turned around though guess who was covered in cake? The baby. He told him/her to stay still yet there she/he was covered in cake. Hit wasn't mad with the baby though. He found it quite cute seeing (y/n) covered in cake in icing.

"I thought I told you to stay still", Hit stated amused.
"Sawwy", the Baby said looking up at Hit.
Hit chuckled.
"Well someone made a big mess you know what that mean.", Hit said smirking.
The baby tilted his/her head in confusion not sure where this was going.
"Your gonna have to get a bath.", Hit shouted cheerfully.
"Nooooo", (Y/N) whined.
"Too bad. Its not my fault you got cake all over yourself", Hit stated as he lifted (Y/N) up and headed for the bathroom.

(Y/N)'s birthday wasn't going as Hit planned but it definitely was a day he would remember for a long time.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2018 ⏰

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