Chapter 2

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****Steve Rogers POV****

Taking a bite of my sandwich, I glance at the tops of the city buildings. It's a nice day, great for a picnic. Until Tony spoke up.

"Psst.......psst, Capsicle give me your shoe,"

"What, why?"

"Shhh! Just give me your shoe!" Tony whisper-yells

 I take off my shoe, and hand it to him. I only notice what he was planning after I gave it to him. After I saw it hit the animal did I notice the blood caking it's fur.

"What the hell Tony! Did you see the shape that animal was in?! It had dried blood everywhere!" I yelled at him

"I'm sorry! I thought-"

"It was super skinny too! You weren't thinking at all were you?!" 

At least Natasha was with me on this. I look at the bush it disappeared into, and see it rustle. Looking at it from the corner of my eyes I see the creature, glance towards us. then it booked it to the basket. Taking a closer look, I see a dented muzzle attached around its face. It couldn't even see out of it's left eye, due to it being swollen. I watch it put it's front paws into the basket and I took my chance. Quickly putting the rest of it in the basket, I snap the lid closed. The yelp that was released from the animal caught the attention of the rest of the Avengers that were there. I turn to them, the basket in my hands.

"I caught it"

"How the hell did you catch it?!" Tony exclaims, walking towards me.

He lifts the lid and peeks into it. 

"That is one mangled animal, I wonder what happened to it"

"Well, I've got it captured now. Let's head back and see what we can do."

After everything was packed up, we grabbed a taxi back to the tower. Hand the basket to Tony and follow him down to the lab. Bruce closes the door behind us "Just in case". I watch as Tony unclips the latch and slowly opens the basket lid. In a flash the animal jumps out an make's it's way to the far corner of the room. I look closely and notice that it's a fox, a very blooded fox. It whips around, noticing it was trapped. It crouches down, tail between it's legs.

****POV Change**Vixen POV****

I feel the basket being set down and I crouch, ready to pounce. As soon as the lid was lifted I jumped. I find myself inside a lab of some sort, shit. They're gonna experiment on me again, how did they find me? I run across the room to the furthest corner, as far away I can get from them. I turn around, my tail between my legs and eyes wide. I bare my teeth, not that it would do anything with this muzzle on, and make myself as small as I can. One of the men starts to slowly, walk over to me. I let out a growl, and swish my tail, letting him know I don't want him near me. He put's up his hands and crouches down to my level.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, just let us fix you. Okay?"

He reaches forward and I flinch away, my ears pressed back. His movements slow, he turns my head to find the strap to the muzzle welded together. 

He hold onto the wire mesh of the front of the muzzle, and turns to one of the men behind him. 

"Tony, it's all metal. Were gonna need you to get the bolt cutters."

"Alright, see if you can get the creature on the table"

"Come on, foxy, let's get you up on the table" The blonde man said, before picking me up.

I squirmed in his grip, until he let be go on the table. A moment later the brunette, Tony, walked back in with a tool in his hands.

"Alright, Bruce, Steve, hold it down this is gonna hurt slightly to get it underneath the muzzle."

I feel the other guy's hold me down while Tony gets the clippers under the muzzle. I yelp and try to get away from the men. In a moment, the pressure is released and so am I. I violently shake my head, but the darn thing wouldn't come off. I stop and look towards the blonde. He gets the hint, and slowly peels the muzzle off. Once it's off, I sit up. Surprising all three men, I take my paws and rub my face.

"Thanks," my voice raspy from disuse, " 've been try'na get that thin' off fo' awhile. The fucka' din wanna come off"

When they didn't respond, I looked up at them. They had looks of shock on there faces. Huh, wrong group? I cocked my head to the side, 

"Aren't you's Hydra?" I asked

The blonde one snapped out his trance at the mention of Hydra. His jaw set and his fist clenched, he looked at Tony.

"I thought they were gone? Bruce, we had them all didn't we?" Tony asked looking at the other brunette.

"Hydra's gone?" I asked, I was very confused "Then who's try'na capture meh a few weks ago?"

All three men turn towards me, 

"You've been chased by them?" The other brunette, Bruce, asked

"Yehs, The squid's, right?" I replied

"That's them, lets get you fixed up then we'll tell the team." The blonde man told them

"Team? Ya mean the red head and brunette gal?

"There's more than just those two, now sit still" Tony says bringing a first aid kit towards the table. 

He sets up a needle and thread, telling Bruce to get some numbing stuff. He injects the area around my ribs, and Bruce gets to work stitching me up. In about an hour I was all stitched up. I looked around and spotted a sink. I stand up on all fours and make my way to the edge of the table. Looking around I spot a wheelie chair, calculating the distance and the force it would take. Backing up I run and launch myself off the table. Landing on the chair, the force caused it to wheel across the room and right towards the counter. Jumping off the chair and onto the counter. Padding across the counter to the sink, I turn on the water. I turn around to search for towels, instead I find all three men staring at me.

"What? Did I do sunthin' wrong?"

"How did you-"

"I jumped on tha' chair, causin' it ta'roll ovah to this counteh. 'm not completely helpless. Do yah got any towels?"

Tony snaps out of it and walks to a closet, grabbing a hand towel. He walks over to me and sets it next to me.

"Do you need help?" He asks

I nod my head and get in the sink. He grabs soap and helps me wash my fur. It took awhile to get all the blood off, but eventually it was gone. As soon as he shut the water off I got out and grabbed the towel, drying my fur. It was still damp by the time I was done, but not enough to where the new bandages would be ruined. I hop down onto the chair then to the floor, and attempt to stand. Wobbling slightly, I regain my balance. I walk to the door, and turn around.

"Well? We gonna meet yah team?"

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