Chapter 7

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Harry's POV:

I arrived early the next evening, hoping to buy me some time to chat with her, so I asked the manager to show me the staff room, she sat there, texting on a phone, the manager left us as she looked up.

"Hi" I said pulling up a chair beside her.

"Harry" she choked and put down her mobile.

"Listen Ash come with me" I said leaning on the table, trying to look and calm and relaxed

"No, my shift starts" she protested.

"Stop making excuses Ash, I know what you think of me, but I think and see you differently so please just down the road, just a short walk"

"No" she told me.

"Ash I've been trying to capture and hold your attention I just want to walk with you down the street, its a big deal for me please say you'll come"

"What will the media say?" she asks in a hushed tone.

"Does it matter?" I asked her.

"Yes" she told me.

"Ash it doesn't matter to me what they think or say, its you I want to know, its your attention I want to capture"

"I don't like you" she told me again.

"You don't have to like me"

"Yes I do" she protested.

I smiled "It does not matter, because I like you already"

I watched her breathe slowly, she nervously played with her hair.

"Fine I'll walk down the street with you" she finally agreed. I felt like I was on fire in a good way, excited and ignited with a glow, this could potenially be what I was hoping for all along.

"And why are you going to do that?" I asked her smiling

I purposely flicked my curls and hooked my green eyes to her eyes, this ultimate flirt mode was sure to work on her.

"Because you bug me" She said, she smiled sweetly at me, turning the remainded of my senses to liquid.

"No" I smiled at her deeply "cause I caught your attention you can't deny it Ash, you don't hate me" I paused "much" she smiled at me.

I felt like I loosened her up a bit and I liked that, I had finally captured her attention in the right way.

She walked with me down the street, I was really getting somewhere I realised, I was breaking through her shell, and I liked it, she was finally seeing me as Harry which is what I wanted everyone else to see me us, I wanted to be known as a guy any othe guy not just the guy in One Direction, the flirter. She was finally seeing this side I couldn't reveal to no one but my family.

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