Great minds think alike.

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So despite being almost a whole month into the school year, the principal decided, "Hey, you know, we should completely fuck up Charlotte's entire schedule."

Then bam, suddenly my dream elective was replaced with orchestra. Now get me, I like orchestra, I love to play the cello. But I fucking dropped out of it for a reason. The class was dead, last time I was in it, we had a total of 16 people. The Dean Matthews High school orchestra was the most disappointing thing ever when I was in it.

Usually, only six people showed up when we actually hosted concerts. It was awful and sorta embarrassing, not to mention the only people who joined were naive 8th graders that had false thoughts of grandeur.

I exhaled forcefully, hey maybe one of my other friends will have been switched. I try to reason with myself, arguing in my head. Somewhat desperate to convince my self this was all a dream, a nightmare.

But alas, it was all too real. I walked slowly down the hallway to the orchestra room, frowning. I hadn't been there for years or even seen the orchestra. So maybe it had grown? With a massive sigh, I grabbed the handle and whipped open the door.

Only to smash into that perfect chin once again. "Whoa, you need to watch where you're going." He mumbled, holding what seemed to be a folder full of forms and a note.

"Maybe you should move outta the way!" I hissed, holding my once again, throbbing forehead. I let out a groan, what a fantastic start. Moving classes, smashing into Riley, and then saying the rudest shit to him.


I quickly back away, letting him pass through before opening the second door to the orchestra room. I immediately started scanning for any familiar faces. None. Plus, double negative, the orchestra looked to have tripled.

I internally punched myself forty million times. As I glanced around, I saw a hand waving at the back of the classroom, joined soon by another. I visibly exhaled, glad to have been saved by two kind souls.

I walked to the orchestra teacher, Mr. kangreen. He stopped the class and glanced down at me. rubbing his temples with is ugly thumb. "May I help you, ma'am?" He growled, his bald head gleaming like polished silver. It nearly blinded me.

"Uh, yeah. I transferred. I'm um, Charlotte Rows." I mumbled, looking at my feet. Embarrassed that everyone was staring at me.

"Ah yes, Charlotte. Welcome back. Does anyone have an open seat we can place Ms. Rows?" He called out, awfully loud.

A hand shot up, turning to face the body that held the hand. It was a boy, my grade. But he seemed much shorter than I. He had dirty blond hair and a scar on his elbow. Along with cuts on his knee. He wasn't the most handsome soul.

I felt a small piece of me die on the inside. As I went to sit, I saw that the two girls, Elizabeth Zhang and Sophia Kim. Were sitting right next to my seat. I nearly cried. I knew them both from freshman year, We were not amazing friends, but I could talk to them at the least.

As I sat, I shoved all my stuff under my seat. excitedly grabbing and shaking my hands with Elizabeth and Sophia. The duo seemed to some of the smartest. Most everyone I knew chalked it up to the fact they were Asian. But trust me, I have seen them do some not-so-smart moves in my life.

I hurriedly ran to tell them the events of the past few weeks, The running into each other, the bump, The compliments. leaving out Riley's name but heavily featuring Sierras and my hate for her.  

As I finished the story I felt a cough behind me soon followed by a tap on my shoulder. As I turned around I looked up, seeing a face I knew all to well at this point.


Riley. Was. Right. Behind. Me.

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