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I was too scared to go to school the next day. Kristy is trying to kill me, I can't be in public! Who knows what would happen? So I change into some confortable chlothes and hurry downstairs to make myself breakfast. The coffee really did keep me awake, and I was starving.

When I get to the kitchen, it's a mess. There are bread crumbs all over the floor, tomatos and lettuce all over the kitchen island, and there is one thoght that comes to mind. Raccons. But I shake my head. It's ridiculous. Maybe dad made a mess when he left. Yeah, yeah. I let myself settle with the raccons to have some piece of mind. I settle down, grab two granola bars and some chocolate milk. My usual breakfast. 

I hurry to the living room and turn on the TV. I switch to my favorite TV show, My Dirty Little Secret. I just relate to it so much, it's almost as though its about me. As soon as the show starts, my phone rings. I look down to see that it's my sister on video chat. I answer and we discuss past events, until she brings up the topic of  Northern Academy, a school that is near her college, Northern University. If I transfer there, I won't have to deal with Kristy and her antics any longer. I need to go there. As soon as my sister hangs up, I call my mom, who is at work. She answers.

"Mom, can I go to a school that's close to Sissy's? It's called Northern Academy and its the grade school for her university. It's a private school, so it might be expensive. But I really, really need to get away from here."

"Alright, sweetie. I'll talk to your father. We will consider it." 

Over the next couple of days, I wait for their decision. The suspense is killing me. Finally, on Saturday, my mom calls me into her office. My dad is there as well.

My dad speaks first. "We have decided, that you can go."

I squeal in excitement. "When? When?" I ask.

"Monday is your first day," My mom answers. My smile drops. That's only in two days.

"I mean next Monday, we're not that mean. But we are a little bit mean. If you want to go to the school, you have to pay 25% of the tuition every year. It means you'll have to get a job." My mom says, dampening my mood. 

On the bright side, I'm leaving all of this drama behind, and I can start fresh. On the dark side, it comes at a cost. Twent-five percent is six thousand dollars.

I start packing right away. but first, I have to call my sister to tell her the news.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jun 06, 2014 ⏰

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