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Sitting back at the booth where the both were longing to sit at together. They ordered one milkshake this time and two straws. As the two sipped from the drink they stared in each other's eyes. His blue eyes piercing through her green ones.

Finishing off the milkshake Daniel sat it to the side. They made small talk not knowing what to say to one another. After a moment of silence Braelynn decided to break the tension between them.
"What happened at the ice cream shop yesterday,"
"It was for my friend," he then stopped for a second to think of what he was going to say to the girl he just got back,
"Jack," he spoke just above a whisper.

"Who's Jack," crossing her arms and looking him in the eyes wanting answers.
"He is well was my best friend a while back but him and his family got into a car accident and they were flown out of state for medical help and I haven't got my life together since he left so josh went to Pennsylvania where jack was flown to and said he'd bring him back to see me but took him and,"
"And why did you have to leave me yesterday,"
"I'm getting to that," he looked out the window thinking of what to say he then saw a familiar black Mercedes Benz. He then remembered that he texted Josh to meet him there to talk about when Daniel would get to see Jack.
He then pointed outside to where Josh was standing smoking a cigarette.
Seeing Josh smoking was a rare thing he only smoked after serious things happened like after he and Braelynn broke up that was all she saw in his mouth.
Several moments later he started walking towards the restaurant. Daniel and Braelynn stood up trying to exit as fast as they could. Hand in hand they walked as fast as they could to the back exit.
They didn't know Josh had already saw them though, through the widow. That was the reason for the cigarette. He couldn't process why they were together though he thought he had broken up their friend ship.
Josh had then changed his mind about going through the front door and walked around to where Daniel and Braelynn were out of breath laughing.
"Wow you almost got caught," josh snickered at their childish behavior.
"Josh what are you doing here," Braelynn asked she was scared she didn't know why but she had a feeling that Josh was no longer the person she was once in love with.
"Well your boyfriend told me to come here," josh said emphasizing the boyfriend part.

Braelynn looked at Daniel looking for an answer in his eyes he just nodded.
"Why did you call him here Daniel," she said letting go of his hand.
"I didn't know you would be here and,"
"And what Daniel,"
"I told him to come here to tell me when I was going to get to see Jack again not everything is about you so don't try and make it that way Braelynn," he said raising his voice slightly scaring her.
Realizing he startled her he put his hand back in hers telling her it was going to be okay. Josh watched the two and rolled his eyes, he was disgusted.
"So Daniel when you wanna give me my girlfriend back I'll make sure your friend lives but until then I have no way of insuring his safety," he then walked away laughing as he left then revving his engine to his car and speeding off before Daniel could protest.
"He has jack," she asked
Daniel nodded not being able to speak because the lump in his throat.
"Well we have to get him back we can't leave him out there with that monster," Braelynn said.
"No we can't it's too dangerous he'll hurt you," Daniel spoke caring about the safety of her.
"No, Daniel it's either both of us or none of us if you go down I'm going down with you," she said and held his hand tighter.
"Okay," was all Daniel was going to say he didn't want to argue cause he knew Braelynn would win.

Walking to Daniels car after what went down they both had the same thing on their mind.

How are they going to get Jack back?

It was a question that was going to be answered in time.
As they arrived back to Braelynn's house they said their goodbyes and even shared one last kiss before Braelynn walked into her house.

As she shut the door squealing and jumping around because she finally got to kiss the boy she liked not once but twice. Her sister noticing her excitement was happy for her sister finally being happy.

Daniel getting back into the car smiling and starting back up the car didn't stop smiling until he reached his house. When he arrived home still happy as ever forgot for one minute that his best friend was kidnapped. He didn't have a care in the world right now.

As they both laid down for bed they craved each other at that moment neither of them wanted to be alone that night. Braelynn grabbed her phone and texted Daniel.

Brae😍: hey Dani can't sleep
Dani🤤: me either
Brae😍: wanna come over... and have a sleepover
Dani🤤: of course I'll be over soon
Brae😍: see you soon Dani boi 😙

She sat her phone down waiting anxiously, as she remembered that first time she was waiting for Daniel laughing at her self. She sat up in her bed and clicked on her phone seeing the picture of her, Ivy, and Ember. Unlocking her phone and going to the photos she found the picture of her and Daniel that she had taken while they were eating at the diner one afternoon. Changing it to her home and lock screen she smiled then put the phone down.

About five minutes passed she then heard a ding signaling she had gotten a message. She then heard Daniels car ignoring the message cause it was probably from Daniel saying he was here.
She slid on her pug slippers and ran out of the door and down the stairs. Opening the door and running to Daniel and jumping on him then hugging him.

"I missed you Dani," she whispered to him.
Instead of him saying something like we just saw each other or it hasn't been that long he said, "I've missed you like crazy."

They walked back in the house going strait to Braelynn's room. Slipping off her slippers then jumping in the bed. Daniel then did the same.
Braelynn turned on stranger things on Netflix. Then cuddled into Daniels chest.
"Dani," she whispered.
"Yea," he said back.
"I think I love you,"

So I made this on Valentine's Day
Um yeah I'm single

Yea very single
But you know what I love myself so I don't need no man

Well maybe but oh well
So how was this chapter
And how was your guys day

Love yourself and eat lots of chocolate and spoil yourself today because you are loved by me 😙😘
Word count: 1199

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