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"I don't think I love you," Daniel said Braelynn's face then turned pale.

"I know I love you," he told her.
Her face lit up she cuddled in to him tighter.
She fell asleep seconds later. Daniel then kissed her head, "and I'll never stop," he spoke then fell asleep.

Braelynn walking into school, she walked straight to her locker. Seeing Josh from the slight distance her palms got sweaty.
She walked straight to him.
"I saw you and your boy toy hung out last night," he said.
"How did you know that," she questioned crossing her arms.
"I have my ways,"
"Well I told him to go this morning last night was a mistake," he stared at her in disbelief but did Braelynn ever lie to him.
"You are the only one I want," she spoke grabbing his hand, he smiled he had his girl back. She smiled back at him showing off her pearly white teeth.

Daniel didn't come to school that day he couldn't.

The day went by with the couple back together having laughs and sharing food at lunch as they did when they were a couple before.
Ivy and Ember were the most shocked their friend had went back to him the one she said she never wanted anything to do with him she went back.
It's what she always did.
As Braelynn drove home that evening she texted Josh to come over. He had pulled into her drive way about fifteen minutes after Braelynn texted him.
Before he had arrived she went to her room where Daniel was the whole day. Waiting for her to arrive home as they planned early that morning.


They had woken up extra early that Monday morning having to make a plan to get Jack.

Daniel would wait in Braelynn's room all day to seem as if he stayed home from being heartbroken.

Braelynn would go to school and pretend they weren't together so she would get stuff out of Josh and get him over to her house.

She went to him holding his hand and feeling disgusted and smiling her fake smile which was real to Josh cause it was the only way she smiled when she was around him.
She had a real smile when she was with Daniel and only Daniel.

Getting him on her side which he obviously would crawl back to her. She would keep him at her house until they got the location of jack out of him.

She had went the whole day being someone she wasn't, someone she used to be. Playing that part made her feel stupid and useless. The person she was acting like that's how she actually used to act. Fake, dumbfound, she avoided her friends, and most of all she acted like she hated the person she loved the most.

She sat with him at lunch sharing her food with him as they used to. She didn't like it but it was the plan. She laughed at his stupid, very stupid jokes. It was all perfect for josh.


Kissing Daniel as she entered the room she felt disgusted from what she had to do that day.
Telling Daniel of all the stupid stuff she had to do. It was weird for the both of them having to talk about him and her. Together.

Josh had arrived in his Mercedes roaring the engine through out the neighborhood as usual. All the neighbors hated that kids car. The kid that would come and go. It was peaceful for he time being Daniel had a simple car that made almost no noise as it drove smoothly.

Parking his car where he usually did and walking to the front door. Going to ring the door bell but the door being swung open by Braelynn.

"Hi," she spoke breathlessly she was trying to get Daniel in a hiding spot and rushing downstairs before Josh got suspicious.

"Well hello to you too," mentally rolling her eyes she shot him a flashy smile.

She grabbed his hand and shut the door. Going to the couch and turning on whatever was on tv.
She looked into his eyes only seeing coldness and darkness. She used to see life and happiness and his eyes. That was long gone.
He started to lean in but she didn't.
That would be cheating on Daniel. She moved away.
"We just got back together I'm not ready yet," that felt gross coming from her mouth.
"Oh okay," he said looking away
"Let me run to the bathroom," she said and hopped up running to the bathroom upstairs.

Josh had his own plan. He knew it was fake all of it was fake he even knew Daniel was hiding in the bathroom upstairs. He knew her smile was fake, her laugh. Fake. He was hurt but she was going to hurt her more.

Braelynn rushing to the bathroom scared the crap out of Daniel when she pulled open the shower curtain making a loud noise.
Slightly laughing, then stopping remembering Josh down stairs. But he was secretly snooping around her house.

"What are you doing up here," Daniel asked wondering why she was up there and not with the douche bag downstairs.
"I missed you Dani I had to go all day with out you I was miserable and I hate that guy he's not fun to be around," she spoke sitting in the floor by the shower.

Josh was then walking up the stairs to place more of his secret cameras that he had hidden. In her room, bathroom, kitchen, and living room. He watched her all the time.
He heard her laughing scoffing at it. He was mad that someone else makes her happy.
He wanted to be that person.

He slowly walked back downstairs then sat back on the couch. Then Braelynn walked down and sat right beside him.
"You wanna go grab a snack," Braelynn asked.
Josh nodded.
They got up walking to the kitchen.

Braelynn got in the fridge.
"So what did you wa-," she asked getting cut off noticing he wasn't there any more.

"Josh," she said, "Josh where are yo-,"
She got cut off by someone holding a rag with a bitter smell on, it then her vision going dark but then hearing something.

"I'm always going to be one step ahead of you don't forget that princess,"

😂 I'm just kidding

But how'd you like the chapter
How was your day

Make sure to smile
Make sure to love yourself

Be you
Be happy

Be amazeballs
Be goofy

Stay loveable
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Word count:1108

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