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The rest of the flight I don't talk to him.

I just closed my eyes and went to sleep, hoping that when I woke up, this all would be a dream.

Of course not, when I woke up we were about to land.

I just sat there until the captain said we had landed.

We all got out and grabbed our bags.

Mine was on the belt, and zach grabbed it for me. I smiled, but he didn't smile back.

We all cram into a van to go to Seavey's house, and I'm in the back.

I go to my tagged on instagram and it's flooded with Me and Zach.

I start to cry a little, but then it just comes pouring out.

I cry for what feels like hours until someone says "what's wrong, Taylor?"

I look up and see all the boys staring at me.

"N-no-nothing. N-ne-nevermind." And look back at my phone.

"No, it's something. What is it?" Daniel asks and I explode in anger/sadness.

"You wanna know so bad?! I'm getting tagged in a million pictures of me and Zach and it's making me so fucking depressed and mad at you for fucking posting that photo and ruining the best relationship I ever had!" I yell at him.

We get to Daniel's parents house and we get the rooms separated.

"Okay so, Jack and Jonah in a room, Corbyn and zach in a room, and Daniel and Taylor? Unless you wanna-" Daniel cuts his mom off.

"That's fine, let's go." As he says that, I just roll my eyes and go to his room.

I throw my stuff on the floor and sit on his bed, not wanting to talk to him.

I can feel him starring at me, so I say "why'd you do it?" "Because someone told me that you were already cheating on him, so I just thought to post it."

"Who the hell told you that?" "Taylor, I don't want yo" "Daniel! Tell me!"

"Gracey, she told me that you were cheating on Zach with Jack, and I just wanted to look out for him." I start to get so mad at him and that slut.

I go to Where Jonah was and say "The actual hell if your girlfriend trying to do?! She told Daniel that I was cheating on Zachary with Jack, which I would never do!"

He just sits there "are you sure you have the right girl?"

"YES! Is she coming to any of the shows, cause I swear on my whole life if she try's to talk to me and act innocent, she bout to catch these fucking hands in her fucking face!!" I say and pound my fist against my palm.

He looks down and laughs. I get mad and walk back out to the living room and notice that all the boys have gone into Jonah's room, except Zach.

I walk straight up to him and say "Zach, don't talk, just listen. I'm so sorry that that ever happened, and I didn't even do it. That was from months ago, when me and jack were a thing for like a day. I would never cheat on you, or anybody, and the fact that you believe a picture over your own girlfriend, hurts me more than you know. Do you know how many nights I have sat in my apartment crying over you, because I'm worried you'll find somebody better for you, that you deserve. But you know what, after we get home from tour, you and the boys can distance yourselves from me, if that's what you really want. I just want you to be happy, even if that means you being happy without me. I don't have a fucking clue why Daniel would believe that slutty excuse for a girlfriend that Jonah has, but Daniel posted that to look out for you. He's a good friend, and a great brother to you, I just thought that he was my friend too, but I guess I'm just like an acquaintance to you guys. I hate myself for this, but Zachary Dean Herron, move on from me. Because, I don't deserve you."

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