THE Beige Encounter

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The imaginary breeze blew, giving relief to the hot, humid day at 2 pm in the hot ass afternoon in Pawnee, Florida. Emo Bean could remember every detail down to the exact temperature of the day when she and Vanarp had met. Of course, Emo Bean had not even known him at the time but she just remembered the need to want to cloak herself in the dark in a corner despite the fact that Florida was like Satan's armpit. "It's the duty of an Emo Vampire to persevere through heat stroke weather in order to sustain the ghostly pale complexion needed to contrast the never ending dark fabrics of her cloak", thought Emo Bean. The school bell had just rang and she strolled into English class. Emo Bean searched around for a seat, narrowing on a shaded seat in the far back. Emo Bean grabbed her seat and laid her head in her leathery arms. SCREEECH! Perturbed, Emo Bean raised her head to mutter curses at the gargoyle who dared disturb her temporary hibernation. The moment she saw Vanarp, Emo Bean thought " This is the most nerdiest looking kidney bean I've ever laid my eyes on." Vanarp yodeled, " I can only yodel. My name is Vanarp. Can I sit here?" Emo Bean muttered "yeah" in the coolest gothiest way possible and summoned a cloud of screeching bats. Vanarp grabbed a seat and they waited as the bell rang once more and prepared themselves for the last period of the day. " This will be no fun at all." Vanarp sang. Emo Bean nodded and thus the two became friend. What a beige encounter.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2018 ⏰

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