Whenever You Remember (Watty Awards 2014)

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Whenever You Remember



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            At one point or another, we’ve all had a special teenage crush. And don’t act like you have no idea what I’m talking about… Love is one of the beautiful parts of growing up and being able to experience that emotion is a blessing in disguise.

            Since I was about five years old, I’ve always had the same crush. Now, I know that five is a very young age, however, I’m not saying I was in love with him just yet… I was just kind of, drawn to him, I guess.

            His name was Lucas, he was my Dad’s Godson. Lucas’ parents had been best friends with my Dad since they were in high school and when Lucas was born, they asked if he would become his Godfather… Kind of tacky, I know, but back in the day, it was quite the honor.

            Anyway, that’s how I met Lucas. He and his family came over all the time and the first memory I have of him, was my Kindergarten graduation. He was about thirteen at the time and I always loved being around him. Even though he was about eight years older than me, he still played with me. Since his family was around a lot, I guess we had to get along if we wanted to have any fun.

            As I grew up, I became quite fond of him. We hung out more and even when he was in high school, he never once left me out of anything. I was there for his high school and college graduation, his wedding, and even the birth of his first child.

            So, in case you’re wondering, I was about thirteen when I realized I was really in love with Lucas. He was around twenty one and I kept telling myself I was crazy for feeling that way about him, but I just couldn’t help it.

            You should have seen the way I cried when he told me he was getting married. Of course, I didn’t let him see that emotional breakdown, but I had a bit of a meltdown after I locked myself in my room…

            However, surprisingly, I held myself together on his wedding day… I was actually a bridesmaid, even though his wife and I never really got along… It was Lucas’ wish and she went along with it.

            It wasn’t even a year after that, that he and his wife, Claire, were expecting their first child. This was an event that I was excited for, I always loved children. Lucas told me the day Ms. Jessa was born, that I was her Godmother. I was on cloud nine the whole time and I tried to help out with her as much as I could, but Claire wouldn’t let me. She always told Lucas I was in her way and I was interrupting their bonding time…

            As time went on, I got to spend less time with Lucas. His wife made everything so difficult, she truly was a wicked witch. By the time I was fifteen, I hardly ever got to visit him. The only time he came over was on holidays and even then, Claire refused to let us go anywhere together. But, even though we didn’t see each other much, Lucas would still call me when Claire went to bed and sometimes, we would talk for hours. He could always make me smile, no matter what kind of day I had…

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