Chapter Thirty

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  • Dedicated to all my fans!

Whenever You Remember

Chapter Thirty


All Rights Reserved

            Guilty. Again.

            I felt so bad for talking to Lucas the way I did, but I didn’t have a choice. Someone had to get through to him. He couldn’t act this way when Jessa woke up. I was hoping he would call or text me after I left, but he didn’t.

            I barely slept any the whole time I was at home. I kept tossing and turning, and no matter what I did, I couldn’t stop thinking about him. I wanted so badly to just call and talk to him, but I knew that wouldn’t help. He wasn’t my Lucas. There was no use.

            “Natalie, are you going with us to see Jessa?” Lucy asks from the kitchen.

            “No, I think I’ll come up later.”

            Soon after, Lucy and John left. I would have went, but I hadn’t even taken a shower yet. So, I went ahead and got myself ready and ate breakfast. It was nice to be able to eat at home considering I had been eating cafeteria food for a couple days.

            It wasn’t long after I washed the dishes that I saw Lucas go by. He was probably going home to sleep while John and Lucy were there. I was getting ready to leave when I decided to stay a few more minutes and call Heather. I hadn’t updated her for a day or two, so I figured she would want to know what was going on.

            “Any news?” She answers.

            I sigh, “Not really. They’re thinking about waking her up in a few days. Just for a little while. They don’t want to keep her out all the time because she’ll lose her motor skills.”

            “Makes sense… How’s Lucas?”

            “He’s having a hard time… I guess, anyone would.”

            “But I’m sure since your there, he’s doing better.”

            I didn’t bother to mention anything about our fight. I just didn’t feel like explaining anything right now… Just then, I heard a knock at the door. “Someone’s here, I’ll have to call you back later.” I hang up and look out the window, hoping to God it wasn’t my parents.

            It wasn’t, thankfully, but instead, it was Lucas.

            I walk over and open the door. “Wanna go for a walk?” He asks, nervously.

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