14 ; where do us witches go

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There was a grogginess in Eden's head as her eyelids began to flutter to life. Long and fragile against her supple cheekbones. Hesitating for a moment, Eden clenched her hands into fists, feeling warm sheets crumble in her grip.

Finally opening her eyes, Eden hissed as sunlight blurred through the blinds. Moving her face into the pillow underneath her head, Eden instantly tensed upon smelling familiar cologne. Like she was burned, Eden darted backwards, red hair smacking against her jawline as she stared at the luxurious covers of Roman Godfrey's bed.

Taking in more of her surroundings, Eden found that she was alone in the heir's bedroom. Which was covered with laundry and reeked of teenage boy. Scrunching up her face, Eden lifted a hand to push her hair behind her ear, only to have the sheets covering her chest fall downwards.

A startled sound left Eden as she realized how cool her legs felt - because they were bare. Quickly shoving off the covers from her legs, she scanned the rest of herself, seeing that she was dressed in a floral printed nightgown that definitely didn't belong to her or Roman.

Ghosting fingers over her thighs, Eden touched the familiar stretch-marks there, and let out a soft breath. Her hands finding the lightning marks on her skin strangely comforting as everything else was so foreign.

Choosing to face the problem head-on, Eden removed herself swiftly from Roman's bed. Which, she had to admit, was pretty damn comfortable. Pushing down the frilly skirt of the gown, Eden moved towards the door of the bedroom, opening it to reveal a long hallway.

Turning left, Eden made her way quickly down the hallway, hoping with everything in her soul that she didn't run into Olivia Godfrey.

Especially half-dressed and leaving from the direction of her teenage son's room. While it wasn't as if Eden hadn't messed around with Roman before, but she'd be lying if she said she was comfortable with Olivia knowing about it.

The wooden stairs were cold on Eden's bare feet, making her wince and trot down them awkwardly. As if terrorizing her, Eden had to hop her way across the marble flooring of the Godfrey mansion. Freckled arms locked around her ribcage, to stop her chest from bouncing painfully despite still wearing a bra - thankfully.

Eden heard movement as she got closer to where she supposed the kitchen was. Given the smells wafting from the direction, Eden gathered that whomever she was going to run into had to be making eggs and bacon.

Thankfully, as Eden glanced into the kitchen, she caught sight of Roman's familiar head of hair. The male was leaning over the stove, moving a plate of eggs around in a pan, his movements swift and his mind elsewhere.

"Roman," Eden hissed, and she watched as the boy jerked in surprise before turning to glare at her.

"What are you doing out of bed?"

"Did we have sex?" Eden ignored Roman's question for an answer to hers instead.

Roman seemed to pause for a moment, staring at Eden tensely. "Did you just ask if we had sex?"

Annoyance crawled up Eden's throat, but she swallowed it down. "Give past events it's not that far of a stretch to assume that happened. Now, did we?"

As she explained, Roman seemed to get even more disturbed. His large hand turned off the knob on the stove, eggs forgotten as he stepped towards her. "Do you really not remember anything that happened last night?"

Eden felt her eyebrows scrunch together. "I remember-"

She paused, trying to find the words she had been searching for. Yet, nothing came to mind but a hot slice of pain across her throat. Instantly, Eden's fingers went to the focal point of the pain, feeling as her fingertips touched the flaking skin around her trachea.

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