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Shadz p.o.v
My alarm went off at 530 "shadz r u awake enough to answer something" Jane the mother figure in my life asked " ya what's up" I sat up " how do u feel" " I feel like shit my head hurts I'm nauseous oh yeah n I'm a little shaky" " oi" " yeah" " well just go back to sleep honey...ill talk to u later I have to go to work" "ok bye""bye hope u feel better thx" I fell asleep but woke up like a few hours later bc of my messenger going off "Milo wants to video chat w you" ok "hey" I said tiredly "hey baby how u feeling" I blushed " I feel like shit I didn't sleep..i don't rlly feel any better" " I'm sorry baby wish I was there to cuddle w u and make u feel better" I giggled " That's all I want rn is for u to b here n cuddle w me" " soon baby I promise" I did the " give me kisses face n he did the kissy sound "hehe yay kisses" " babe" "yus" " I love u""I love you to"
"Babe I gotta go to my next class n I can't stay on my phone" " aww booty hoe" he giggled. He hung up n I got lost in my music. It was like five so I called him again " hey baby" "hey" "how u feeling" like shit but meh" a few hours passed n were still on ft.
" hey babe I think ima go to sleep I'm tired" "ok night" "night I love you" " lover you to...r u gonna b ok?" Tears came rushing to my eyes " I don't know" " baby don't cry I hate when you do that what's wrong speak to me" " my every thing hurts think my head is the worst...n I wanna go to sleep but uk" " ssshh it's gonna b ok baby I got you ok?" "Ok" " we can still text if u want but Idk how long ima b able to say awake" I just nodded " I'll text u when I get upstairs" I just nodded my head again" maybe like 5 minutes passed n my messenger went BA-DING "Milo said hey" I opened the chat n said hey back" Idk how long I'll be awake but if I fall asleep goodnight n i love u hope you feel better" I smiled a little " thx night love you to". N that was rlly it


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